Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. beingconsidered as one of the major bank organizations in Eurozone is thetopItalian bank group practically in all business segments, which are retail business, corporate business and private-banking system. Serving over 19 million clients in 40 countries, the Bankconcentrates its attention on the states of Mediterranean sink, as well as Central and Eastern Europe. As regards Italy, the Bank has over 11.1 million people, who prefer to cooperate with it and use its services every day (Intesa Sanpaolo, 2014).
However, every company should make some changes in its operation in order to increase efficiencyand make the health stronger. Therefore, the Bank should apply change model concerning the improvement of methodological means of information security management system in terms of development and approval of the documents, as well as approval of the internal Code of Conduct and Sales Book.
Change Issues
In order to improve methodological means of information security management system the following documents should be developed and approved:
- upper level (information security management policy; principles of assessment, acceptance and processing of operating risks in the Bank; reports on risks assessment; criteria on identification and acceptance of residual risks indicating particular actions as regards implementation of the relevant measures, responsible persons and timeframes for the required actions taking; risk processing plan);
- medium level (emergency business continuity plan; description of the procedure on monitoring of legislation and regulatory documents as regards information security).
For example, Business Continuity Plan should be based on the provisions of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group Business Continuity Guidelines, Crisis Management Model and Business Continuity Plan. The Plan is also one of the deliverables of the Information Security Management System implementation project (ISMS) and fulfillment of the Internal Audit Department recommendations.
In the frameworks of the Plan preparation there should be defined the levels of the emergencies, caused by the critical events; there will be build the Crisis management model – the main players should be identified and the responsibilities outlined; the communication strategies and means in case of emergencies will be described. The business impact analysis for the Bank’s operations needs to be held. Aiming at proper preparation of the Plan, be guided by the ECB requirements regarding its elaboration, with the purpose of due emergencies impact and potential losses estimation for the Bank’s work by each of its activities, as well as elaboration of the strategy acceptable for the work restoration and diminishing of the negative impacts of emergencies, the Working Group will be created. It will be composed by the representatives of critical structural units of the Bank. With the help of Working Group the Business Impact Analysis will be held: the critical business processes and priority operations to be restored in case of emergency should be defined, the critical staff and other resources for each unit should be identified as well. Based on the Business Impact Analysis the organizational, technological and infrastructural solutions will be defined.
Another change issue should concern Bank’s internal Code of Conduct. This Code defines the basic conduct standards for the representatives, employees, non-employee financial advisors, and external collaborators who, within the framework of their roles are required to carry out their duties with diligence, honesty, fairness and professionalism, pursuing the interest of the Company and the Group, as well as attending to the interest of customers and the shareholders in general. The exercise of decisional powers and any business activity must therefore reflect all the aforesaid values and principles (Robbins and Coulter, 2007).
Corporate behavior of the Bank is built on the principles of legitimacy, transparency, professionalism, competence, respect to rights and interests of the client, business partners and employees, aimed at the increase in the Bank’s activity effectiveness, supporting its financial stability and profitability.
Each employee, directly or indirectly involved into the Bank management, and also other employees should cooperate in reporting sphere as regards each transaction and keep records related to their activity in accordance with administrative and accounting procedures, which ensure the formation of the balance sheet and other financial reports (Hart, 2005).
The other change issue concern approval of Sales Book. Sales Book is a database containing information as regards rules and standards of the activity with clients, ways and methodologies to conduct sales and overcome refusals, standards of the company, competitive advantages etc. Availability of the Sales Book is generally adopted practice for retail market of banking products, but success of implementation and application of this methodology by the branch network directly depends on providing the network with regular and periodic trainings.
Advantages of the project are (Hart, 2005):
- Change of the existing procedure of activity of the network employees aimed at banking products sales oriented staff.
- Implementation of the standards and methodology of retail products sale.
- Creation, update and improvement of the database on retail products sales guidelines.
- Improvement of branch network efficiency.
5. Implementation of the system of control over application of the Book of Sales principles as per “Mystery shopping (NPS)” methodologies. Implementation of such a system will enable to receive reports on a monthly basis per each branch as per more than 50 indicators and significantly improve clients’ servicing standards at the branches.
The Role of Leader
An extensive review of the literature several methods were revealed, which managers can use to run the planned changes. The names of these methods are various in many different sources of literature, but they are based on the same principles. There are three main approaches: the use of power, retraining of specialistsand use of reasonable calculations (Robbins and Coulter, 2007).
Use of power toimplement reforms involves the use of coercion. In organizations managers are generally regarded as experts who have access to power and are able to use it to force those who do not have the power to rearrange the desired direction. Managers can use the power via rewards and punishments. They may determine the conditions of employment and promotion. Therefore, having access to the basics of power the management has significant influence in the organization.
Thus, the role of the leader in making abovementioned changes, of course, belongs to the Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank Group. Being in charge of the total Bank system, this supervisor is responsible for and controls every operation within the Bank and outside, while it makes different transactions.
All organizations from time to time need to change their strategies and structures. In the past, when the external environment has been relatively stable, most organizations made minor quantitative changes likely to solve urgent problems or take advantage of newly discovered opportunities. However, the last ten to fifteen years, companies around the world faced with the need for radical changes in strategy, structure and management processes to adapt to the new requirements of the competition (Boone). Global competition and rapid technological changes are likely to lead to even more significant structural and strategic changes in the coming decade.
Intesa Sanpaolo as any other organization also requires changes and modifications, which concern methodological means of information security management system, the internal Code of Conduct and Sales Book. At least these procedures will help to gain more profits inside and outside.
Boone, M., The Strengths & Weaknesses of Change Management, Retrieved from
Hart L. (2005).The Strategy of Indirect Approach, Natraj Publishers.
Intesa Sanpaolo (2014). About us. Retrieved from
Robbins, S. P. and Coulter, M. (2007). Management, 9th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall.