The core refers to the muscles deep inside the abs and the back joining to the spine or pelvis. Many people associate core strength with a flat tummy or six-pack abs. Even though those may be motivating goals to perform core training, there are other numerous benefits that come with strengthening the core.
Strengthening the core also helps to alleviate back pain. Those people who have weak core muscles have a high risk of experiencing back ache and injury because they do not have adequate spine support. Exercises and workouts such as Pilates and yoga play a great role in strengthening the core. In return, this develops mobility and also improves support for the spine in individuals suffering from both acute and chronic pain (Chabut 35).
Improvement of posture is also a benefit that comes with strengthening of the core. Performing core strengthening exercises works out the muscles of the torso from upwards to downwards and from the front to the back, assisting the body to stand high with the limbs in alignment. The improvement of the posture reduces the risk of having a disc herniation and the disintegration of the vertebrae. Good posture also helps in better breathing, because the balance that assists the body to be able to stand upright also opens the airway making the breathing in and out much easier (Collins 42).
Strengthening the core helps in improving athletic performance. The exercises of the core keep the athletes limbs from getting tired quickly. Even for people such as rowers, the core helps them to pull harder and faster because they connect their cores as they paddle. The core is the connection linking the upper and the lower body. It is significant in the performance of all sports.
Strengthening the core plays an essential role in the protection of the inner organs and the central nervous system. Observing the health of the body also means protecting the vital systems underneath the surface. The body’s core is not only where the organs and the central nervous system perform their work, but it where the body’s largest, and most essential veins and arteries are found. Maintaining a strong core muscles makes sure that the organs stays protecting when the body performs different activities throughout the day.
Maintaining a strong core also helps to prevent injuries. It is essential to build the core stability the followed by the strengthening of the core. By doing this, the body will get the deeper muscles working out first thus building a strong core, and this helps everything to fit into place. This in return improves the overall fitness of the body. A lot of movements begin at the center moving outwards. A hard center makes sure that the body’s movements are quiet strong and without any pain thus preventing any injury from occurring. A strong core reduces the risk of trip and fall due to improvement in balance and posture. There is an increased stability which lessens the chance of falling.
An additional benefit that comes with core strengthening is that it increases the flexibility of the body. By performing the core exercises, there is an improvement in the reduction in the soreness and increasing of the muscle length. In addition, there is balancing of the mechanics of the body as well as the improvement of the body’s range of motion. The whole process plays a great role in enhancing the flexibility of the whole body (Farand-Taylor 55).
Strengthening of the core gives the body the power it requires to perform daily activities. The entire power of the body originates from the core. This means that having strong core muscles allow the body to transfer the entire force out to the edge better which means that the body will perform a lot of activities at a fast pace. The core exercises such as the plank, single arm or single leg force the body to connect the muscles all over the core, which in return force the muscles to stabilize and produce power all at the same time. This plays a major role in improving the overall athletic skill.
Having a strong core also plays a major role in having long term weight loss. Strengthening the core helps the body to perform daily activities with less fatigue and without having to apply a lot of effort. This implies that there is more energy to burn in the field or gym and less amount of time on the sidelines from early fatigue or injury.
Works Cited
Chabut, LaReine. Core Strength for Dummies. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Pub., Inc, 2009. Print.
Collins, Paul. Core Strength. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer, 2008. Print.
Core Strength Training. London: Dorling Kindersley, 2013. Print.
Farand-Taylor, Janique. Solid to the Core: Simple Exercises to Increase Core Strength and Flexibility. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2006. Print.