There has been much research done based on the actual meaning of sexual orientation. One aspect that we look more closely at in sexual orientation is sexual attraction. One point that everyone should remember is that, sexual attraction is not a choice, but it is a natural feeling, a desire for someone. Since sexual orientation is not by choice, most people wonder what makes someone homosexual. Did they “choose” to be homosexual? This paper purposes to determine whether one’s sexual orientation needs to fit in a certain category. Also, why does one person’s sexual orientation and attraction become a critical discussion for other people. The main reason of this research paper is to look in depth the main aspects of sexual orientation, and what so called criteria distinguish someone as “homosexual.” Homosexuality is normally looked down upon that many conservatives would choose to believe it is a choice.
There are three components of sexual orientation we want to look at: sexual attraction, sexual behavior, and sexual identity. Although each component indicates a different portion of what sexual orientation is, but when they consider all the components together, it gives us a better sense as to what homosexuality is. Generally, when a researcher assess if an individual is homosexual, they usually refer to sexual identity. We want to look into this topic as an overview. First, we will define and look at the components of sexual orientation. Then within the sexual attractions, we would look further into homosexuality. One researcher, Savin-Williams mentions is the relationship between homosexuality and gender nonconformity, which he identifies a surprise finding. We want to see if there is a relationship between biology and people who are homosexual. Some biological theorists think there is a correlation between for example; a boy who is more “sissy,” then that would automatically determine he is gay.
Savin-Williams states that, when researchers assess the characteristics of homosexuals, they generally base their findings on one component of sexual orientation- sexual identity. Sexual identity refers to the labels attached and what it means to that individual about their sexuality. This research excludes the two other components to help assess what homosexuality is because the two other components are not a fair representation of what homosexuality is. When using sexual attraction to assess homosexuality, there was not a compromise as to how much sexual attraction towards the same-sex would count as homosexual. Every component is a vital into determining what sexual orientation is, but there are no any answers as to which component is the most important as to determining it, since each component is subtly different in each way.
So what actions does one have to do in order to be considered homosexual? It depends which standpoint one looks at for this question. According to biological and health sciences, they assess sexual behavior. If there was even one act of same-sex behavior, then it constitutes as homosexuality. The term gender atypical means a person who does not exhibit the normal gender role set by society. Well some biological theorists think there is a correlation between homosexuality and gender-atypical characteristics. In this review written by two researchers Bailey and Zucker, they believe there is a strong association between homosexuality and gender nonconformity. One clear example they provide is some characteristics such as “sissy boys” and “tomboys.” Generally when a boy is said to be a “sissy,” it commonly means they are gay, and “tomboys” are used to describe a girl thought to be lesbian. These are just what the theorist thinks, but there no enough research to show there is an association; even though in a society that is basically what we see. What we see is that it is not what society labels a person as, but how that person portrays themselves, how this person identifies themselves I the society. Kinsey had this spectrum to measure whether a person is homosexual or heterosexual, which is quite unreliable to determine one’s sexual orientation. What was not surprising was that, people who identified themselves as gay were more gender-atypical than people who identified as heterosexual. Savin-Williams describes “true gays” are people that identify as gay and display same-sex attraction, and behavior which makes them the perfect gender-atypical person. These individuals are not biologically gay, but rather how they identify themselves because they are being true to themselves. They know their sexual orientation is not a choice; therefore they are following how they feel on the inside. It is not clear which component is vital in making this decision for them, but it seems sexual identity was assessed the most because they are not complying with the regular labels of their sexuality.
It goes without saying that sexual identity, and the sexual attraction of a person influences sexual orientation. The sexual behavior and the sexual identity are relatively closely related to the sexual orientation. However, the difference ought to be noted since sexual identity refers to an individual’s conception, whereas sexual behavior refers to the actual acts of sex performed by a person. At times, the identification of a whether a person is straight or a homosexual could be difficult. This occurs because; people may or may not express their sexual orientation in their behaviors. The bisexual characters have the ability to express emotional, sexual or affectional attraction in both the opposite sex and the in their own sex.
Scientists continue to undertake research that would fully prove that the brain of a person fully dictates the sexual behaviors. The brain coordinates with all other organs of the body as well as the nervous system. It also controls the hormones and the hormonal functions of a person. This illustrates why sex therapists claim that sex is all in the mind of an individual. The latest research has managed to provide corroborative evidence that indeed, there is a component of the brain which differs in each and every individual. The two hormones that play this crucial role are the perinatal and prenatal hormones. These hormones organize and create either a female or a male brain, thus leading to production of female or male typical behaviors. The hypothalamus happens to the part of the brain which is most sexually dimorphic. In human beings, the Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus is large in adult men than in women. Further plethora of research has also proven that the homosexual men have a larger anterior commissioner than in heterosexual men and women. This proves that there exists a clear difference in the brain anatomy of a heterosexual and a homosexual. Therefore, some people do not necessarily choose the kind of sexual life they live, but they are influenced by supervening circumstances which they have no control over.
In conclusion, there needs to be further research to exhaust the topic of sexual orientation. Instead of having a myopic view about how individuals live their lives, we should be keen to be sensitive and human. Individuals often indulge in different acts of sexual behaviors due to a number of factors. While others simply have the desire to adventure or try something new, other individuals are inculcated into such acts because of religious ostracism. People who also feel discriminated and looked down upon have tendencies of involving themselves into such acts.
The issue of sexuality should not only be viewed as a moral decision, but also as an innate characteristic which justifies protection. As the world buries its head in the sand, assuming that issues of homosexuality should not even cross a persons’ mind, other devastating effects are approaching. As the different states condemn and pass legislations which they consider moral, more atrocities take place. Currently, there situation continues to run out of control. The saddest situation occurs when a woman thinks that the husband is cheating on her with another woman, only to find that the husband has another man who he uses for sexual pleasures. The world must look into ways of integrating with others, as well as appreciating the role of diversity in our lives.