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The good indicates one’s understanding of being, in which one halts from evil and incorporates the choices and beliefs that are considered good. It is a predetermined phenomenon in which one individuals try to incorporate good rather than evil in a rationalized manner. It eventually indicates that individuals indulge in the wrong only under the self-denial and unconsciousness towards the extent of good (Partenie and Tom 8). The extent to which one believes in good also accounts for the extent of self-determination which eventually empowers the individual towards new perspectives and laws (Partenie and Tom 153). In this paper, the prevalence of good in relation to empowerment is enlightened by means of the extent of self-determination.
The individual’s extent towards good indicates the integration with the world and the individuals with the ability to understand the hidden truth and determine the facts and reality are inclined towards good. The individuals who are able to differentiate their inclinations with respect to the good and bad tend to develop their center of thinking in accordance with the benefit of human life and values. In this manner, the actions of the individuals become rationalized in accordance with the center of thinking and with the thorough definition and understanding of good, the individuals become adhered towards the state of self-determination (Wolz 182).
The enlightenment towards the understanding of good requires the individual to reveal itself in order to become himself. The identification of one’s being requires the assessment and enlightenment of the positive or good that one possesses and may acquire with respect to the personal traits. The prevalence of positive comprehends the individual to identify his shortcomings, however, the extent of positive that one may acquire indicates the potential for the acquisition of positive (Wolz 171).
The individual is required to accept his being in order to unhide the truth about himself in order to apprehend, think and assert his notions. The acceptance of one’s being help in the identification of the hidden truth because the practice of identifying one’s traits and understanding one’s existence addresses the one’s ability to accept the truth that is visible within oneself. Thus, the acceptance of the visible truth enhances the individual’s ability to reveal the hidden truth (Wolz 174).
The inclination towards revealing the truth enhances the spiritual clarification towards the world and helps in the determination of the good that is conducted and required to remain at the right path of life. The idea of good that is revealed and identified provides the individual with the ability to challenge the prior beliefs in order to prove his idea of good. The idea of good enables the individual to question the anecdotes and self-inclinations in order to generalize his being towards the possibilities and hindrances in the acquisition and practice of good. The identification of good in this instance, helps the individual to challenge the existing notions and ideas in order to replace them. In this manner, the extent of empowerment prevails due to which the refuted ideas and laws are replaced in order to develop a new world that practices the newly identified ideas that are developed on the basis of good (Partenie and Tom 8).
The good empowers the individual by means of providing the knowledge about the shortcomings in the existing laws that might hinder the wellbeing of individual or society. The good provides the exposure to the truth due to which the individual’s ability to stand against the prior anecdotes by means of apprehending their downsides takes place and the individual becomes able to question the wellbeing that is supposed to be provided by the prior anecdote. In this way, the transition takes place due to the individual’s ability to refute and replace the existing laws and hence, the change takes place, which effects the individual, society and the world in a broader perspective (Partenie and Tom 177).
The identification of good incorporates the individual to implement the new laws at the individual level, however, the acceptance of the newly developed laws in the world can also result in the enhancement of these laws at the universal level. Therefore, a higher extent of transition takes place and due to the identification and support of truth, the individual becomes able to justify by means of becoming empowered and implement them in an effective manner (Partenie and Tom 7).
The good indicates the individual’s extent of understanding oneself in order to make the choices that are considered good. The identification of the truth requires the self-reflection in order to identify the traits and good so that the individual can reveal himself by accepting the truth about his being and determine the good. In this manner, the individual becomes able to reveal the hidden truth by accepting the hidden truth about himself. The acceptance of truth results in the spiritual clarification which provides the individual with the self-determination to reveal the truth and challenge the prevailing laws and replace them with the newly discovered laws in the world.
Partenie, Catalin, and Tom Rockmore. Heidegger and Plato: Toward Dialogue. Northwestern University Press, 2005.
Wolz, Henry G. "Plato's Doctrine of Truth: Orthótes or Alétheia?." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (1966): 155-182.