The question on the social system of humans depends on several factors. These factors include: religion, evolution, necessity and environment. Different religions have different views on how humans are supposed to associate with one another, for instance Christianity advocates for monogamous relationships while Islamic religion encourages polygamous relations. This means that those prescribe to a given religious view tend to behavior to the prescribed social behavior, it therefore cannot be said with certainty at this point that humans are monogamous or polygamous.
The social behavior of humans cannot be compared to that of other species since humans have a power of choice to decide on what kind of relationship they want to be in unlike the other species that may be in a social relationship out of necessity. Humans are not naturally monogamous but they tend to act in a monogamous way inorder to live to the expectation of ether the society or to a particular religious orientation. Most humans particularly male are inherently polygamous and given choice they will want to be in that state.
The social scientists have proved that the female body was relatively smaller compared to that of the male; they have explained that this was because of different roles each sex played in the association. The current high divorce rate particularly in the United States tend to agree with the evolutionary heritage that humans are naturally polygamous, that they don’t want to be in one relationship in a is therefore expected that only a few will remain married for life either out of will or by legislation.
Human males play a crucial role in determining the success of a social relationship because in most cases they are the head of the relationship. On view of this extensive training and mentoring by the older male on who to handle relationship is needed especially as the world becomes competitive.
This tendency evolved out of necessity to train males and prepare them for responsibility awaiting them.
Parenting has significantly changed and now males are required to take equal responsibility on rising up of the children. This shift or sharing of roles is as a result of the change in perception of the society and the need of women to be involved in bread winning. Women tend to be better mothers since evolution has favoured them because of the roles and the maternal connection they tend to have with the offspring, they therefore, have an edge on raising the offspring. There is nothing wrong with the male being a primary caretaker provided he is aware and informed on how to carry out this role.