This paper attempts to establish the impact of CSR on brand image. CSR has grown over the years, and many corporate companies have adopted it to create positive public relations and consequently improve their profits. The paper contains the methodology used to collect data, both primary and secondary. The literature review provides material on previous research was done and its implications. The article also provides a section on findings related to CSR and brand imaging. Besides, it makes recommendations for future studies and corporate work regarding CSR (Liu, He, Tang, & Liu, 2014).
Research Questions
Is there a relationship between CSR and brand image?
Does improving CSR influence the brand image?
Is CSR significant in brand imaging?
CSR has grown over the years in the corporate world. The adoption of CSR in the Chinese hospitality industry has greatly influenced its growth. There is a great relationship between the CSR activities of a company and the impression of potential and actual customers towards it. Baron and Maxwell (1993) state that companies actively involved in CSR activities have a greater acceptance by the surrounding communities and their customers in general. Industries running community-based programs get more support from their communities. CSR initiatives put up by a company attract potential customers. Chinese hotels ranging from the five-star hotels to those locally based have adopted CSR practices that benefit their society. This, by improving their business relations with the public also plays a big role in creating more profits for the companies (Levy & Park, 2011).
Context of Topic
The topic will focus on the Chinese hospitality industry concerning CSR
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of CSR on brand image.
Aim and Objectives
Literature Review
Corporations aim to generate profits, but society expects them to operate in socially responsible ways. The expectation of the corporation to corporations has pushed them to establish social and environmental goals (Gu, 2003). Companies have expanded their mission to encompass programs that geared towards the well-being of society. Hotels in China have adopted CSR strategies to benefit the communities. For instance, Shangri-La Hotels and Resort runs the Care for People Project. The project focuses on the healthcare and education for children. The beneficiary program runs for 10 to 15 years until the children can care for themselves (Ali, Amin & Cobanoglu, 2015; Othman & Hemdi, 2013). Marriot hotel in China also runs CSR initiatives geared at the environmental and social wellbeing of society. The hotel uses biodegradable laundry bags, showerheads that use less water and energy conserving light bulbs. The CSR strategies of these hotels have contributed to their great success. The hotels have local and international recognition (Cherapanukorn & Focken, 2014).
Findings and Analysis
The diagram also indicates with an increased CSR activities comes an improved brand image. Customers will be attracted to a company that carries out effective CSR programs than those that do not do anything regarding CSR. Finally, the diagram ascertains that CSR is a significant part of a corporation’s reputation. A company with increased CSR activities will gain more popularity and good image to its surrounding community and potential customers. CSR, therefore, becomes fundamental to improving the image and performance of a company (Martínez & Bosque, 2015).
In the method of data collection, the paper focuses on research philosophy, research strategies, and data collection.
Research Philosophy
This paper aims to establish the impact of CSR on brand image. The context covers the hospitality industry of China. For data to be collected, intensive interviews have to be done in addition to literature. The employee fraternity of most Chinese hotels will be instrumental in providing primary data (Wang, 2015).
Research Approach and Strategy
This research uses both inductive and deductive approaches. The deductive approach will use various literature and other secondary sources to provide information that will be useful in deriving a conclusion and recommendations (Xu, 2014). The inductive approach will help in collecting primary data that will involve interviewing employees, actual customers, and the surrounding community. Data collected here will help in deriving an assumption for the research.
Data Collection
Data collected was both primary and secondary. Interviewing customers and the surrounding communities will generate primary data while literature from books and journals provided secondary data.
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