This study aims at establishing the influences of customer relationship management of airlines on their performance. Competition within players in this sector has been fierce, and the customer’s influence has had effects on the performance of the airline. In order to establish this, the study uses a case study as research design methodology but narrows down to incorporate questionnaires and interviews in order to ensure reliability and accuracy. This is followed by data analysis and interpretation of the results in order to establish how the customer relationship management has influenced performance of the airline. The management will then come up with strategies aimed at addressing any negative influences because of customer dissatisfaction.
The airline industry has reached a crossroad, whereby management of the firm has to focus more on customer relation and satisfaction in order to ensure loyalty on the firm brands (Wan-Ping & Huang, 2011 p. 4404). Various firms with the industry have carried out market research to strengthen their relationship with the client so that they can maintain the market share in the competitive business (Schmid, 2011 p. 1-2). Some have gone further installing systems, which can automate the whole process of boosting customer relationship. Admittedly, most of them, like Etihad Airlines has reported increased sales volume because of adopting new technology in a bid to satisfy their clients (Benner, 2009 p. 149). This paper narrows down on how customer relationship management can influence airlines performance.
If the airline firm is to sustain its operation, then it has to consider preferences and needs of customers
Purpose of the study
As rational consumers will always maximize their utility subject to their value income, airline firms have deemed it worth to value the quality services they offer to the client. The main rationale behind it is that the market has always been facing economic shock, for instance, escalating fuel prices. There is, therefore, need to maintain the relationship with customers in order to sustain the operations of the airline because the cost of production and stiff competition had scaled high levels (Shanmugasundaram, 2009 p. 226). In addition, many customers especially tourists and businesspersons, who tour various cities to explore and venture their business had expressed concerns of dissatisfaction of the services they are offered by the airline sector (Beiske, 2007 p. 26). Following this move, most airlines decided to improve their customer relationship management because of the impact it had on their performance of the airline.
Primary objectives
Secondary objective
Primary research methods
The study will adopt case study research design where the firm can concentrate on a specific region like Qatar in order to get respondents, customers to the firm, who can aid in the process of data collection. In order to ensure accuracy and ensure the objectives of conducting the study are met, a sampling frame within the case study will be identified to take part in filling the questionnaires that will be administered to some customers. In order to reach the respondents, the airline may use its management information systems to contact respondents. After the respondents have been identified, random and stratified sampling method will be used to select sampling units, which will take part in filling the questionnaires and answer interview questions. The methods used are reliable and ensures that accurate information will be collected (Kothari, 2009. p 31). The researcher will use the opportunity of interview to clarify some of the questions, which he thinks respondents may not give clear answers in the questionnaires. In addition, both qualitative and quantitative data can be collected; hence, ensuring accuracy in the results Zikmund, 2003 p. 41).
Data collection and analysis
Structured questionnaires will be distributed to respondents who resides at distant places, away from the researcher as respondents close to the researcher will take part in the in the interview session. Following this step, data will be organized, ready for analysis. The researcher will then use Statistical program for Social Sciences or Microsoft excel to carry out data analysis. Results will then be illustrated on graphs, tables, pie charts so that the management of the airline can take relevant steps in terms of strategy to address some of the problem or challenges. Interpretation of data is vital as wrong interpretation may make the airline incur heavy costs because of persistency in the challenges faced its clients. This means that more than one researcher will perform data interpretation to avoid errors.
Ethical considerations
Before data collection, the consent of respondents will be sought to make sure that those who take part in study, assists the process willingly and in an honest manner. It is certain that some respondent may not be versed with the purpose of their assistance in seeking information; it will, therefore, be vital to brief them about the importance of the study and the need for them to assist the process. Respondents will also be given a chance to withdraw during the study in case the find the process boring or otherwise; they will be requested to take part based on their wish. They will also be informed that the information given will be confidential; their identity will remain anonymous throughout the study to restore confidence, and trust as the airline seeks information regarding service delivery.
Relevance of the proposal to the program of study
In this proposal, one will know why the client is considered an essential tool of information regarding the management of the firm. As a manager and an administrator, one learns that apart from other ways of improving the performance of the firm, customer satisfaction and relationship marketing plays a major role in increasing the sales of an organization. On completing the proposal, the manager, will be equipped with research methods skills, which will add value to one’s analytical skills. It is, therefore, relevant for any manager, who has taken part in this proposal because in the future, he may carry out market research, which will demand such skills.
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