I found it interesting for Peter Williams to state that most of the gospels were not written in Israel which gives them independence and reliability that they are true accounts of Jesus’ life. Williams states that Mark was written in Rome, John in Ephesus, Luke in Antioch and Matthew in Judaea which shows that the writers had a high degree of independence and the fact that the gospels contain highly similar accounts of Jesus is reliable evidence. I also found it also memorable how Jesus Christ becomes a central figure in all aspects who was poised to save the world and the founding of Christianity.
Biblical archaeology, social norms and detailed observation add evidence to the issues contained in the Bible. They help to show the reality of the Bible’s contents. They satisfy the logical and questionable side of spiritual issues that may confuse or contradict people. For instance, Williams states that the use of numerous names clarifies on the generations in the Bible and helps in the interpretation of different portions of the scripture.
Detailed observation helps to dispel doubts among listeners as one can use numerous examples and related them in a clear and logical manner. Moreover, it helps to instruct people in the true gospel such that they cannot be misled or become sceptical about the bible. When people are keen to the major and minor details in the bible they may be converted on their volition to Christianity.
Hermeneutics refers to the interpretation or explanation of a text and it is especially used in the interpretations of religious content such as the Bible. People need hermeneutics in order for them to learn the Bible for themselves in a clear manner and have it make impacts in their lives. Moreover, it is important to help people preach or share Biblical teachings with other people in a manner that is clear, true and transformational.
Fountain, A. The Holy Spirit and Hermeneutics .
Geisler, N. L., & Zukeran, P. (2008). The Apologetics of Jesus: A Caring Approach to Dealing with Doubters. Baker Books.
Klein, W. W., & Hubbard, C. B. (2004). Introduction to Biblical Interpretation. T. Nelson.
McGrath, A. E. (2012). Mere Apologetics: How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith. Baker Books.
Williams, P. (2011, April 3). New Evidences the Gospels were Based on Eyewitness Accounts. Retrieved May 22, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5Ylt1pBMm8