Having analyzed the three films, produced in France, we have concluded that the integration in various countries and regions happens in different ways, and each has its own characteristics. We chose such films as "Serial (bad) weddings", "Nothing to declare" and "Welcome to the Sticks", and their example will demonstrate these features. In addition, we will try to compare the integration, shown in the films with the integration of migrants in the United States.
In my opinion, "Serial (bad) weddings" displays better than others the integration of migrants in France, as the four characters, represented in the film, are trying to integrate themselves into the French society. The film shows ethnic diversity, as all of the four characters are from different countries and represent different mentality. However, a common feature, which unites those characters, is that they genuinely want to become full-fledged members of the French society. For them, the main thing is to prove that they are not slackers and can contribute to the development and prosperity of France. Anyone, who wants is, will always achieve it. This is evident on the example of all these migrants, who were not lost in the urban slums of France. They managed to integrate themselves very well, found a decent job (Arab works as a lawyer, Jew tries to start his "kosher" business, while Chinese is working in the financial sector, and African is a theater actor). In addition, they were able to get native French wives, what also evidences the high level of their integration into society. If we compare the integration, demonstrated in this film, to the situation in the USA, it should be noted that the difference is really huge. After all, the integration takes place primarily through social tools, that is, the workers are beginning to work, proving their professional capabilities and thus approaching the titular nation. And if you consider the fact that all the four migrants work as white collars, that is, in the field of mental labor, the differences with the integration in the US are visible to the naked eye. The main influx of migrants in the United States comes on the south side, in other words, from Latin America. As everyone knows, Latin Americans work in manual labor that immediately identifies them to the working class. Thus, for them it is not only difficult, but virtually impossible to be integrated into the US, which encourages migrants to engage in ethnic gangs, drug trafficking and other illegal activities.
The film "Nothing to declare" is a little bit different, but also demonstrates integration in France. In general, the differences between the French comedies from the rest consist in the fact that they very often ridicule different social situations. In this film the French dislike of the Belgians is ridiculed. However, in the end, the film perfectly demonstrates that the border between the states is a fairly conventional concept. And human integration in France depends on a person. Everything starts with the mind and one’s readiness for integration into French society. By chance, the protagonist named Ruben Vandevoorde was forced to stay on the territory of France and spend certain time with his French counterpart. After a fair amount of time spent together, Ruben is starting to realize that they are not so different and that the concepts of Belgian and French are the same conventions as the border between their countries. He is not noticing how easily he integrates himself in France and becomes a native for the French. He begins to love France, and the French treat him favorably in response, which indicates his integration. As the film's character Mathias says: “The world is changing and we must change with it”. This quote means that the integration process should be simplified as much as possible, both in terms of time and mentality, because we live in a time of globalization. If you look at the film through the lens of American problems, you can compare a situation between Belgium and France to the US relations with neighboring countries within the framework of NAFTA. In the US, the problem is that the states are partially integrated into the United States. In the first place, the same borders, which are completely removed with Canada, still remain around Mexico, even though there is a partial lifting of borders. In addition, for example, the English-speaking Canadians are perfectly integrated into the US, as they are almost mentally indistinguishable. But as to the Mexicans and French-speaking Canadians, talking about the integration of the United States with these communities is very difficult, since there are both linguistic and national differences. In addition, Belgium and France are well integrated with each other thanks to the EU, the abolition of borders and the lack of the differences as such. However, in the case of NAFTA, integration of such a high level between Mexico, Canada and the United States cannot be a priori because of the aforementioned linguistic and national differences. Moreover, there is also a social factor involved, especially in case of the migrants from Mexico.
The film "Welcome to the Sticks" is more like "Nothing to declare" rather than "Serial (bad) weddings", as it raises the question of stereotypes and the opinion about French Northerners, formed long years ago. Its idea is about a destructive influence of stereotypes on our perception. The plot is based on a myth-belief about the otherness of people from different parts of the world or a single country, the Southerners’ myth that, roughly speaking, in the North the bears walk in the streets, and the people are angry or unfriendly. Raised upon these myths, the protagonist named Philippe Abrams sees his transfer to the northern town of Bergues as an exile or a catastrophe and tragedy of his life. First of all, having moved to the North of France, he had to face the challenge of language integration, because people in the north speak a strange dialect, full of hissing, which is absolutely not peculiar to the French language. The postmaster starts his adaptation on this land with the understanding of the speech of his new countrymen. As one of the main characters in the film Antoine said: "A foreigner, who came to the North, cries twice: when he comes and when he leaves". These words indicate that in the North of France, in spite of the common myths and stereotypes, the migrants and people from other distant parts of France get accustomed very easily and quickly. And the main character, who came to the North, was at first in a very negative mood but eventually managed to integrate himself into society, that we can see throughout the film, and loved the land. Comparing the situation, presented in the film, to the one that has been developed in the United States, it is worth noting that there are obvious similarities. Perhaps, the only difference is that in France the northern part is considered specific and inhospitable, while in the US on the contrary, it is the South. Just like in the movie, most recognizable difference between the South and North in the USA is the difference in accent and specific phrases. Explaining and describing the Southern accent is difficult, it is necessary to hear it once, and it will become clear. This also applies to the mentality of the world and culture, attitudes towards people. In addition, France was created by pieces from different principalities, which were different in structure and mentality, just like the US first appeared from the various colonies and then went on the separation of States, which have their own characteristics. Therefore, a total linguistic and national unification is simply impossible, even within the same state. Speaking in general, the film hit the right nail on the head, and the problem is absolutely in line with the US situation.
As a conclusion, we have only to say that the integration is really a particular moment in the life of migrants. Integration has a great number of requirements for visitors, but stereotypes are not always a faithful assistant in this case. Both in the US and in France, there is a problem with the integration of migrants, which is probably impossible to overcome already, but still the overall picture of integration in France is slightly rosier than in the US.
The Integration In France: Free Sample Essay To Follow
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: Integration, France, Film, Cinema, Immigration, United States, Migrants, States
Pages: 5
Words: 1400
Published: 03/08/2023
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