Writing good-news and neutral messages
West –brooks veterinaries,
P.O.BOX 245-0005,
New York.
2nd June 2, 2013.
Pet Haven Inc.
P.O. BOX 523-0012,
New York.
I have been working for the government as a trained veterinary officer for the last ten year. However, I have not been very comfortable with the career since I feel that I am not making the progress that I anticipated. Since my childhood, I have always been dreaming of taking life into my hands and make the most out of it. Due to this, I have decided to abandon my profession and join the world of business. However, it has not been easy due to the following problems. I have decided to obtain a franchise for a pet haven in my city. I love animals very much and will enjoy working with them. I have had interactions with animals for quite a remarkable period and I hope my vast experience in that field will be of great help to the business.
Problems that I’m facing
- Finance.
Finance has been a problem to me. However, I have made some efforts and I have been able to raise $40000 from my savings and life insurance. Will that be sufficient to run the business? Do you offer any financial assistance? If yes, how much do you offer? I will really be grateful to be informed about this because; I hope the issue of finance will not turn down my aspiration. Please address the issue of finance comprehensively since this is a major problem but I hope it will not curtail my intentions to be in business.
- How you operate
I also have no idea about how you operate. For, instance, does the company control the operations of the outlet? Do you regard the outlets as independent entities? I would wish to be granted an opportunity to control my outlet only after two years after its inception. I would also wish to know whether I will be free to purchase merchandise for the outlet or the company will do it on my behalf.
I have found an ideal location in the outskirts of the city. The site has heavy traffic and no one provides the service in this site. I would like to inquire if that site is acceptable to you. If not, please let me know the kind of specifications that a site will be required to have before authorizing the franchise.
- Training and registration
Do you have any of such programs that will help new owners to acquire more information about pet haven? Protection is very important to a business. Do you offer any kind of protection to the outlets? Please let me also know the specifications that a building has to meet before you authorize the franchise. Finally, I would wish to know whether there is any registration fee to be paid. If yes, how much will I have to pay as the franchise fee?
The question of finance, skills, location and how to join the company has been bothering me. I will be grateful if you provide a solution to the above problems. If I get all the answers to my questions, I will be very grateful and will be able to run a successful outlet that will benefit not only Pet Haven but also the whole city. It will enable me to join you and help me fulfill my aspirations.
Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you in advance.
Joan Kim.
Franchise manager,
Pet Haven Inc.
P.O. BOX 523-0012,
New York.
West –brooks veterinaries,
P.O.BOX 245-0005,
New York.
2nd June 2, 2013.
Thank you so much for your interest in our business. First i would like to offer you a briefing on the business. Pet Haven deals with pet trade. We franchise to customers who have the capability to increase business and poses the relevant requirements. Your inquiry has been considered for reply due to the level of efficiency we need in our franchising. The problems you are experiencing are:
- Financial requirements
- Autonomy of the business
- Training and other backup services
- Venue
Venue is an important factor for any business. However, it is worth noting that the business entails animals. This means that the venue must be hygienic so that the animals’ health is not compromised. In addition, the space available must be enough for the comfort of the animals. We usually require venues that are free from excess traffic and are accessible. Most of our clients prefer areas that are equipped with necessary infrastructure and sanitation to make sure that the animals are in good health. Business risks should be low at the venue chosen. In this regard, it is important to investigate the riskiness of the venue. The location must be certified by franchising agents to ensure that all these conditions are met. This is the reason why Pet Haven outlets are never in crisis.
- Financial requirement
The total investment to warrant a franchise ranges between $75000 and $200000. The investment depends on the amount of stock one wants to take. The Company also requires a minimum of $30000 operating balance. An investment balance of $40000 will be insufficient to franchise with us. However, this is a common weakness that most businesspeople have and we endeavor to assist in providing financial assistance where necessary. All the merchandise required for the animal welfare is supposed to be bought through the company. Therefore, the company can finance you in this upon request. It is important to buy through the company since the company ensures that only quality products are purchased and also economies of scale can be realized. However, the agents can maintain their own purchases on small transactions within the locality.
- Training
Training is vital to success of a business. As such, Pet haven provides six weeks of training to new agent s. the training usually focuses on handling of animals and the basic skills of business survival. These costs are included in the fees charged for franchise. In addition, the company has experts who visit the outlets randomly to ensure that business activities are ongoing and also the agents are fulfilling their contractual terms. The consultants can also help in addressing issues that may be troublesome to the outlet. Moreover, the consultants’ records are used by the head office in determining the improvements that are needed.
- Backup services
The outlets maintain a low level of autonomy since the company needs to control some operations for business to flow efficiently. If you succeed in franchising with us, the company will control the building appearance, services provided and the quality of the service. This increases the customer volumes that benefit both the company and the individual outlet. The building must be branded with the company name and logo to attract Pet Haven customers in the locality. In conclusion, the company maintains all the powers to terminate the contract if it has strong evidence that the franchising terms are being violated.
Accepting these requirements will fulfill your ambition of franchising with us. We will be looking forward to hearing from you.
Franchise manger,
Port Haven