Central Asia is a region of Asia that includes the countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrogyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. It is bordered on the north by Russia, the west by the Caspian Sea, the south by Iran and Afghanistan, and on the east by China. This paper takes a look at why the population of Central Asia is so unevenly distributed, with some areas densely populated, while others are virtually uninhabited.
A quick look at the geography of the region will show why the population is scattered, with a few densely populated areas. About sixty percent of the region is desert land, including the Karakum desert which covers most of Turkmenistan, and the Kyzylkum desert that is seen in much of western Uzbekistan . The south and eastern areas of the region are bounded by high mountain ranges that extend into Iran, Afghanistan and China . Because these areas are mostly unsuitable for agriculture and manufacture, they are mostly uninhabited.
One area that will support agriculture and manufacture in Central Asia is Fergana Valley, which is located in the Southeast corner of the region. The valley covers almost 8,500 square miles and is agriculturally very fertile . Two major rivers drain through the valley provided ample water for transportation and irrigation. The Silk Road, which carried trade from China to the Middle East and Europe ran through the valley, which accounts for many of the towns in the region .
In conclusion, an analysis of the geography of the region will show that the population of Central Asia is unevenly distributed because of the inhospitable nature of most or the area. The densely populated areas are clustered mainly through the Fergana Valley region where trade and agriculture have thrived.
Works Cited
Encyclopedia Britanica. Central Asia. 16 June 2014. Online. 11 March 2016. <http://www.britannica.com/place/Central-Asia>.
Stratfor. Central Asia: The Complexities of the Fergana Valley. 7 October 2013. Online. 11 March 2016. <https://www.stratfor.com/analysis/central-asia-complexities-fergana-valley>.