Assignment #1
The article describes the importance of knowing the attributes that one has. The author argues that an individual can know him/herself by judging his/her behaviour and how the other people in the society judge him/her. Understanding oneself is very important for the managers.
The articles addresses self concept as a theory of understanding self. In this case, the article highlights that individuals are aware of their weaknesses. The managers therefore have the responsibility of observing their behaviour so that where necessary, changes can be done. A slow manager is aware of this weakness. It is after one understands this that adjustments can be made for the advantage of developing self.
The article finds that understanding oneself helps to solve conflicts about one self. In some cases, the behaviour of an individual can lead to conflicts that lead to effects such as stress. In this regard, it is upon an individual to understand self so that the problems can be eliminated hence management activities can be done effectively.
Managers have to change in everyday life to cope up with the changing environment. This means that one needs to appreciate oneself before changes in life can then be pursued. In this regard, managers have to understand self before realizing where changes in life are necessary.
The article realizes that change does not occur within a specified time. Managers have to implement change throughout their life. Change is therefore a continuous process for managers for the improvement of self.
The managers have to identify what causes resistance to change. It is after having identified this that one is able to deal with these resistances to self change. The article explains that one should form expectations of how one should look like after change. If an expectation is formed, then people work hard to ensure that these expectations are reached.
The article is important to me as a leader in that it helps me appreciate the importance of continuous. As a leader, it is important to evaluate weaknesses that one has everytime so that measures can be taken to eliminate these weaknesses. In this case, people are in a position to appreciate my skills and skills.