There is no doubt that most of the modern gadgets have simplified the life of humanity and made it more rapid, dynamic, and diverse. However, one cannot say that this progress is a negative phenomenon and brings no benefit to society; though, it also has another side. There is a problem that can be called "dependence" along with the technical progress and improvements in the quality of life. This relationship has a bit of a different character than a drug or alcohol addiction, but the danger is not below. Using the new gadgets that have a direct and fast connection to the Internet, each person performs various operations necessary to fulfill people's existence within their society. At the same time, after a decade, humanity has become so addicted to their technical gadgets, that it is not people who control the technology, but devices that take control over their lives. This problem is one of the most topical today, so it requires maximum attention and immediate solutions. The control, which will reduce the dependence, is one of the most effective solutions to this problem. This control is the starting point for the overall reduction of the impact of technological addiction on people's lives.
The Identification of the Problem and Its Solutions. The problem of dependence on the technological gadgets has evolved in a very short time. The computer era, along with the development of the internet technologies, takes only a couple of decades in the context of general history (Skolnikoff 68). Initially, technical devices are designed to improve the quality of life of people, make most of the tasks easier, and save humankind from the different time and location-based barriers. Over the past ten years, many researchers in various fields came to the conclusion that the technical means have become an integral part of people's lives during its evolution. Hence, there is a problem that can be described as "technological dependency" (Skolnikoff 91). Everyone, regardless of their age group, has a daily communication with the Internet, which is provided by the latest gadgets with high specification. Every year, these gadgets are becoming more sophisticated and easier to use. Every young person today, regardless of gender, race, and social status, wants to get hold of the latest developments in the field of new computer technologies to their everyday use for different purposes. Today, it is difficult to imagine a young person without an iPhone or a computer. Humankind pays more attention to virtual reality, as it is superior to conventional reality with its daily chores. The problem of the new gadgets is reminiscent of dependence, and there is a plenty of various evidence. For example, Fleming shows the statistics on how much time the average person spends online and what feelings he or she experiences in the absence of the possibility of using their gadgets. The researcher concludes that the majority of people believe that the Internet is one of the most important human needs today (74). In addition, the lack of access to the network entails a reduction in productivity and mood and brings an emotional crisis.
Therefore, if one talks about the consequences of this problem, that is to say that the original purpose of technical gadgets has changed dramatically. If it was of an auxiliary character in the very beginning, i.e. people used gadgets for quick and easy solutions to their problems, now people use them in almost all purposes. People used gadgets to meet their social, corporate, and personal needs. Now, one can say that gadgets control men, thus creating technical dependence. In most cases, people do not understand the meaning of their stay in the network. People use their gadgets aimlessly, moving from one link to another in search of something interesting. The lack of access to the network, or the inability to use one's device, makes people feel a kind of "withdrawals", which makes them irritable and distracted (Koenigstorfer and Groeppel-Klein 919). According to the polls, one in three college students and young professionals considers the Internet to be the most important human need on a par with air, food, and shelter in many developed countries (Hodis and Bruner 840). According to Jansson, many people called themselves addicted to the virtual space. as it provided the necessary "mediatization" (Jansson 281). The need for the Internet came in second place, surpassing the need for material well-being (Jansson 281). These results raise the question of the problem of the technological dependence. There is an urgent need to find a solution to this problem, because over time, its influence will only grow.
One of the most serious obstacles on the way to solving this problem is the fact that addiction to technologies and gadgets is considered the norm. Few people place it on a par with the drug and alcohol addiction, or even consider it serious. It is manifested mainly in the capacity of fatigue, but those people who spend most of their lives in a network are "more vulnerable to mental disorders and other diseases" (Koenigstorfer and Groeppel-Klein 923). Older people are increasingly dependent on the television, while the younger feel the need for the cell phones and the Internet. Children and adolescents' everyday life is closely related to online games and social networks. The worldwide network completely replaces the real life, which leads to the serious consequences in the form of "social exclusion and the overall deterioration of health" in most cases (Koenigstorfer and Groeppel-Klein 923). Complete rejection of any gadgets and the use of the Internet is likely to result in a significant loss of social ties and opportunities. From this one can conclude that the solution to the problem of technological dependence has several stages. Today it is impossible to eliminate the use of gadgets completely, as they are the backbone of the modern communication processes, on which the society is based.
On the assumption of the importance of gadgets, it is necessary to say that the deliverance from addiction will be gradual. Hence, the personal control becomes the most important step in solving the problem. That is, "self-monitoring" should be the first step to getting rid of dependence (Fleming 135). Self-control should consist in a serious relationship of the individuals to their gadgets. It is necessary to determine the best way to use gadgets with the reduction of time of stay in the network. If possible, it is necessary to replace the social networking with a real dialogue that will contribute to the development and strengthening of relations. In addition, it is crucial to develop a specific program, which will operate on the territory of the educational institutions. Young people need to understand the seriousness of the use of technical gadgets. Understanding dependence will lead to finding a solution. Budgeting of the programs on minimization of the technological dependence should come from public funds. Such methods are not expensive and require a minimum effort on the part of the program participants and the State. The next step is to replace the virtual entertainment for real. Thus, the State can implement a certain number of lectures, which will be submitted to the various types of developmental and recreational activities. It should be of interest to younger generation, i.e. something that can be compared with the opportunities offered by information technology. That is, the absolute solution to the problem does not exist, therefore the technical dependence can be reduced, which will help to minimize the harm.
Undoubtedly, there is an amount of the various difficulties that evolve in the fight against dependence on gadgets. Advertising of the media and technical capabilities of the new models is able to develop a higher dependence on the gadgets in the young generations (Hodis and Bruner 842). Therefore, the control and upbringing of the control by parents and teachers is the only effective method of getting rid of this addiction. As has been said, very few people even recognize this dependence. The everyday use of gadgets is common for most people today, and the better a person understands their functions, the better his or her life is. This fact makes the technical addiction a very urgent and controversial issue.
Precisely, dependence on gadgets is a serious problem today. The huge impact of new technologies on people's lives is due to their importance in contemporary social processes. Every day, people use their gadgets for easier communication, work, and consumption. Over time, people have become dependent on their gadgets so much that it seems that technology controls humankind. This problem can be described as a new kind of dependence, and its consequences are quite serious. Self-monitoring and control in the framework of education are the most effective methods of dealing with this addiction. However, there are many difficulties associated with the solution to this problem. The main difficulty lies in the fact that most people do not consider an intense and daily use of various gadgets a problem, but rather see it as an advantage.
Works Cited
Fleming, Juanita W. Home Health Care for Children Who Are Technology Dependent. New York, US: Springer Publishing Company, 2003. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 25 June 2016.
Hodis, Monica A., and Gordon C. Bruner II. "Technology Addiction: An Exploratory Study Of The Negative Impact Of Technology On Consumer Welfare." Advances In Consumer Research 36.(2009): 840-842. Business Source Alumni Edition. Web. 25 June 2016.
Jansson, André. "Mediatization And Social Space: Reconstructing Mediatization For The Transmedia Age." Communication Theory (10503293) 23.3 (2013): 279-296. Communication & Mass Media Complete. Web. 25 June 2016.
Koenigstorfer, Joerg, and Andrea Groeppel-Klein. "Consumer Acceptance Of The Mobile Internet." Marketing Letters 23.4 (2012): 917-928. Business Source Complete. Web. 25 June 2016.
Skolnikoff, Eugene B. The Elusive Transformation: Science, Technology, and the Evolution of International Politics. Princeton, US: Princeton University Press, 1994. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 25 June 2016.