Public assistance is normally aimed at taking care of the welfare of the poor, aged, dependent children. It is a government assistance that is offered in terms of financial assistance or food.
Literature review
There are certain factors that are considered before offering this assistance to those in need. Mainly, eligibility is based on factors such as the income, resources, composition of the household as well as the citizen status. There is also a permanent and temporaryeligibility. For temporary eligibility, clients are required to engage in other economic activities in order to have somewhere to rely on when the aid is cut (Coleman, 230). In United States, human resource administration is assigned with the responsibility of offering temporary cash assistance. Through this period, they involve their clients in job training and placement, education, workshops among other support services.
The pros of public assistance include the following; children are able to benefit especially those who have done nothing to affect their family financial status (Lewis-Beck, 45). All children regardless of their family background deserve some help from the government. This is important as it enables them to meet their basic needs. Therefore, it is wrong to punish children for the sin committed by their parents.
Secondly, public assistance provides the much needed medical care. In a situation where people do not have access to medical care such as health insurance, public assistance is the only solution to this problem (Coleman, 16). It comes in to provide the necessary treatment. People with disabilities are also considered as they are normally connected with the necessary resources that enable them, to get treatment according to their needs. This is the same case with mental ill patients. Thirdly, public assistance reduces crimes. This is because when people have basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing, there is a likelihood that the arte of crime will go down (Morrow 156).Some of the cons of public assistance include the following; fraud in the system used by the government to offer assistance to the public, the failure by the stakeholders involved to address the underlying problems (Coleman, 130). For instance, they do help the public to use the available resources to develop skills they need to become independent. Public assistance also creates unnecessary dependence. This is in case the government offers help to certain families for several years. As a result, these individuals may not find necessary to work since they will receive funds from the government which is risky and wrong.
Subjects of study
The subjects of study will include the affected families who are purported to have received the help and have not or if they have, then how has it assisted them. The study will also focus on the staff or stakeholders involved in allocation of public funds.
Key Variables Data Collection Methods
The major methods of collecting data will involve both qualitative and quantitative methods. These includes interviews, surveys,
Data analysis
Data will be analyzed using methods such as data mining which will rely on descriptive purposes(Creswell, 2008). Moreover, the analysis will apply descriptive statistics in order to determine the amount of money that is misappropriated in a given period of time.
Works Cited
Lewis-Beck, S. Data Analysis: an Introduction, Sage Publications Inc.2003
Coleman, T. "Blackfeet woman’s battle for trust accounting a long one."News from Indian Country. Jan 2010 (retrieved on 13 Feb 2010) 2010
Garrett, Laurie.Betrayal of Trust: the Collapse of Global Public funds. New York: Hyperion.2000
Morrow, P.Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-BasedManagement (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Pub. 2008
Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson Education, Inc.