The Role of Emotional Numbing in Sexual Functioning Among Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
Step One
This article by, Nunnink S, Goldwaserf G, Afari N & Caroline M. (2010). Focus on the relationship between sexual functionality and emotional effects. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has detrimental effects to individuals’ sexuality, even though there are some minor studies have analyzed the specific constituents of PTSD leads to this renowned relationship. The phenomenon provides that there vital influential forces between sexuality and emotions. The mental deterrents have significant influences to individuals’ sexual lives.
The current evaluations analyzed the specific post traumatic stress disorder cluster that incorporates numbing, hyper arousal, avoidance and intrusiveness that were mostly critically evaluated as being interconnected with sexual difficulties in the selected group which consisted of one hindered and ninety seven veterans who were subjects to the Iraq or Afghanistan wars. The veterans had similar experiences that imparted a common effect on them that would ne readily comprehensible. The newly documented veterans completed a set of questionnaires that incorporated regulated measures regarding the PTSD and the questions relating to the sexual performance.
Sexual activities have a fundamental emotional significance since the moods triggered by emotions are key for sexual arousing activities. A procedural logistic degeneration was undertaken to evaluate the connection between the symptom cluster and the sexual activity amongst the individual. The results postulated the only the numbing cluster was retained in the degeneration model. Nevertheless, these findings were according to the research expectations of the research. The numbing bunch exhibits features appearing to be closely inclined towards the sexual functioning and the examination which should be associated with the complex assessment after the deployment period and the readjustment stage. The individuals possessing numbing symptoms should be vigilantly assessed for the determination of any traces of sexual functioning difficulty and refers for appropriate medication. The suitable medication that can be prescribed to such victims also entailed mental guidance apart from the pharmaceutical drugs. The pharmaceutical drugs are responsible for treatment of biological ailments that might be realized while the psychiatric processes should target mental restoration.
Step Two
Sarah-Kate Templeton (14th Nov 2004). Women really are hot for chocolate. Effects of chocolate on sexuality: The Times
This article presented in writing describes the scientific association between women and chocolate. It has been physically observed that women always have a greater urge to chocolate. A psychological perception has been highlighted that has resulted into critical view of these aspects. Scientist have coon into greater extents of providing a scientific reasoning behind these observations that have been presented kin this article.
The research reveal that the females who engage into frequent consumption of chocolate have critically distinct sexual characteristics in regards to their sexual systems and participation during sexual intercourse. The research provided that women who consume lots of chocolate obtain highest participation and enjoinment of sexual activities. The research on the women who fail to consume or eat little quantities of chocolate deceives little sexual aroussement as compared to potential consumers of chocolate.
The research was performed by involving the interviewing of one hundred and sixty three women about their chocolate consumption practices. Dr Salonia even postulated that women with the least libido may become greatly aroused after the consumption of chocolate. The doctor believes that chocolate can be of medicinal significance in solving the women who might opt to avert sex due to predetermined menstrual impacts. The medics researched on the consumption of coffee and smoking amongst the women but realized that the sexual hypersensitivity was only associated with chocolate consumption. A conclusion was therefore made that chocolate was a medicinal like and was associated with the sexual sensation.
Step 3
The two articles are common since they possess a common basis of the psychological perspective. The article in step one links the emotional effects with the sexual functioning in the body. The article provides an evident reasoning between mental effects to the sexual functionality of individuals. The article provides a vivid description on the factors that might deter an individual’s sexual desire. The highlighted Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been posed as the main disorder that diverts men’s desires to sexual indulgences. The article in steep two tends to describe the alteration of an individual’s body systems and the sexual drives attributed to by the consumption of chocolate.
Both articles highlights on the relationship of different stimuli with sexuality amongst the individuals. Other than visually, they articles are more different since they talk on different influences on human bodies. The article in step one emphasizes on psychological attributes to disparity in sexual functionality among the veterans while the article in step two describes biological manifestations on sexuality in women. The veterans’ experiences prompted them to divert their views towards sex while chocolate has been viewed as the source of escalated sexual demands on female consumers. The consumers encountering chocolate are significant since their reactions are targeted after consumption. The article in step two has been presented using visual figure while the first is presented in written form.
The disadvantages associated with the graphic presentation incorporate the misinterpretation since different people have different perceptions and the resultant views. The one presented in writing only necessitate chances to the visually capable but disregard the visually challenged. Both steps are important since they relate the significance of psychology and the body functioning as attributed by different stimuli in nature. Both methods of presentation are critical since they are easy to obtain and utilize in various regions of the world. The professors taught and urge the force students to learn on sexuality so as to recognize the necessities of sexual knowledge and its relation to the students’ professions since they are the most affected.
The two articles used in this exercise tends to provide the relationship between psychological and their psychological and biological effects on the subject bodies. Throughout the exercise, the ideas of body stimulations have been affected to foster the understanding of the different stimuli to bodies and sexual urge manifestations.