Context of the Article
In regards to the use of figures and diagrams, the writer leads the reader to understand everything by use of figures. The figures provide the necessary data and numbers for the reader to make comparisons and also to understand the subject of discussion in a better way. For instance, he uses through which he presents the conceptual framework in cases where the organization has a new venture and, therefore, must strike a balance its operations for successful survival, operations and also to ensure that it has a successful life cycle. The second instance where the writer makes use of diagrams is whereby he illustrates the life cycle of the organization. This life cycle starts from the embryonic stage and goes all the way to a new venture stage and finally, if successful goes to the established stage. At this time, the organization has successfully carried out its operations and has worked out its internal mechanisms and also carried out the necessary research (Thompson, 1976).
The writer has also succeeded in outlining the essentials of employee productivity, venture stability, and the expected goals. They include achieving sustainability and voluminous production, reducing costs of production and harvesting greater economies of scale. This is done in a way that leaves the reader satisfied with the way the writer makes the presentation. He enriches his presentation by use of hypotheses, figures and diagrams.
Relevance and Applicability
Critical Evaluation
A critical look at the work shows a well-reasoned approach at a very interesting topic. These include the operational structure of an entrepreneurial organization, its growth and aspects of survival. The writer leaves a very limited room for critique. The results, for example, are presented in terms of hypotheses that are then exposed to robustness tests. The writer then leads the reader to an interesting conclusion and finally acknowledgements. This was a well-reasoned piece of writing. Of importance the way the writer enumerates the various note he has made use of throughout the article. By reading the article, I understood, in a special way, the structure of entrepreneurial organizations, their life cycle and what actually makes them prosper as new ventures. The pragmatic manner in which this article has been written leaves no doubt to a serious reader as to the content, structure and the way it is presented. The use of diagrams, figures, formulae, narrative and comparisons did the entire trick. It is a good reading.
Tatikonda, M. V. (2013). The Role of Operational Capabilities in Enhancing New Venture Survival: A Longitudinal Study. Production And Operational Management Society.
Thompson, J. D. (1976). Organizations In Action. McGraw-Hil, New York.