First, as the Communication Officer, one has the responsibility and accountability to advice stakeholders on essential aspects that happen in the organization. As such, as the Communication Officer, one is tasked to “take account of both positive and negative attitudes toward the company (Including preparation of) reports for the management team and other marketing professionals with recommendations on building a more positive attitude” . As such, the aim is to project a positive image of the organization. In taking care of the story about the planned merger, which could be published by The Los Angeles Times, it was explicitly stated that senior management would not allow confirming or denying the merger. As such, one is committed to abide by the demands of senior management; yet, could suggest that remaining silent about the information could be detrimental for the firm .
In this regard, the following course of action is proposed to be undertaken: (1) advice senior management of the detrimental effects of being silent about the merger; (2) provide accurate information of the pros and cons of neither confirming or denying the merger; (3) suggest publishing an official press release which would explain the truths about the current situation of the planned merger; and (4) run or publish the press release after approval has been sought from senior management.
In an article, “the timing and content of media reports released after the start of merger negotiations and before public announcements can influence the takeover price” . As such, the news announcement from The Los Angeles Times could have a detrimental effect to the organization especially if the focus of the report is on the alleged disputes over management as well as leadership philosophy. Thus, straightening the information through an official press release from the organization should set things straight and enable
clarifying issues needed by various stakeholders.
Ahern, K. R., & Sosyura, D. (2014, February). Who Writes the News? Corporate Press Releases during Merger Negotiations (Digest Summary). Retrieved from CFA Institute:
Linton, I. (2016). What Are the Duties of a Communication Officer? Retrieved from
Pikula, D. (1999). Mergers & Acquisitions: Organizational Culture & HR Issues. Retrieved from Industrial Relations Centre Queens University: