"The American Dream" - a dream of an earthly sanctuary for the "single person": in America, the country of equality ordinary person closed the way to the uppermost level of the social ladder. Nevertheless, the consequences of the pursuit of the American dream. Moreover, is the personification of the American dream fortune? These are the questions we touched Francis Scott Fitzgerald in his novel "The Great Gatsby." In this novel, the reader meets with incredible characters and different fates that are tested. However, the price they pay for the hope of happiness and peace is too high.
In the center of the novel, we see J. Gatsby, a person who plays on his own rules. The rules that he himself has established for youth - is a kind of finished code of conduct for everyone who believes in the "dream" and was determined to diligence, thrift, sober calculation and worked hard to make its way in life. By his own example, he proves that the odds are for all and solve only the quality of the man himself. However, Gatsby knowledge and aspirations are entirely different kind - not utilitarian. Moreover, such is in tune with the aspirations of the "dream." She told that in America people free to choose their destiny and nothing prevents him from living in harmony with itself. She said that in a country where all have enough space under the sun, and before each opened many untrodden paths, a man of boundless freedom again and may again become a "natural" happy as he was free and happy Adam. (Mendelssohn M. p. 12) In some respects, Gatsby - is finished "new Adam," and to what Fitzgerald has gone through a lot of American literature. However, 20 years is something seriously shaken in the concept of a "dream." Perhaps for the first time and she "dream" began to realize how tragic illusion. (Elders, p. 5) The ambiguity, vagueness lies in the very nature of Gatsby. He is "vague" in fact, because the soul unfolds Gatsby’s conflict between two incompatible aspirations of two different principles. One of these principles - "naive" simplicity of heart, not going out reflection of "green light" stars "incredible future happiness" in which Gatsby believes wholeheartedly - features of the "new Adam". Other - sober mind accustomed to unsafe but lucrative game-bootleg bigwigs, who in a happy day for yourself when Daisy crosses the threshold of his house, gives instructions on the phone its affiliates "of the company." At one extreme, daydreaming, on the other - the practicality and unscrupulous, without which there would be no house, no million. The breadth of mind and lack of principle, passing one another. Fitzgerald attract energy, strength and worries blank embezzlement forces. (Allen, p 2). Another feature of Gatsby is that he achieved everything he has just for one purpose – to impress Daisy and make her come back. He even bought a house on the opposite shore in order to stay as close to Daisy as possible. “Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay” (83). He accepted no failures and losing Daisy is not an option. However, in the end, neither his fortune nor powerful connections can help him. He realizes that no money can return the past or change the future.
For beloved Gatsby’s woman, Daisy, the American dream becomes a different form than for most Gatsby. Daisy accept the position of infant woman said that a woman born to luxury and all that it needs is to find a man who would give it a decent life. She believes that she does not have to be clever or even intelligence. For a girl according to Daisy enough to have a "pretty face". Daisy does not see the problems of society, and only bathes in luxury. Her only problem is essentially a choice between two rich. According to her American Dream is the ability to afford to all in incredible amounts. She admires Gatsby, showing feelings for him but at the same time does not realize what he's go for it, and may not appreciate it fully. For her, the main thing is the signs of attention and endless fun that easily gives her Gatsby. At the end of the novel, it appears to us soulless, empty puppet that goes with the flow and did not have an opinion being very dependent on her husband. She knows that Tom has affairs but she pretends to be a foolish girl and stays out of the conflict. Her greed and dependence on the comfort life makes her lose her own dignity. Even love cannot heal Gatsby vicious heart Daisy. It is too hardened. A thirst for luxury and carefree life too intoxicated her mind. She is ready to give up everything for the sake of whatever tale in which her husband holds did not end.
Tom, Daisy's husband, is presented to the reader as the richest man in the city, in which the state, rested at a fairly young age and the only thing in his life is the memories of sports career and longing for past excitement and adrenaline. In fact, he is the person who in the opinion of Daisy achieved the American dream and is on top. Tom himself is far from unhappy man. Due to the small analyzing this character, we understand that he is suffering incredibly. Nothing more than to please and console the man. Neither wife nor mistress, neither wealth nor a huge collection of sport awards. His wealth was his curse. Unable to change the situation, he goes down to drunkenness and debauchery. We cannot say that the author condemns Tom or anyone else of the characters as well as suppresses. We only see that the American dream and its interpretation at each different. In addition, Tom, who has his own, unique vision of this dream, it is totally disappointed. Feelings for Daisy awakened in him only when he almost lost it. Only what is capable of Tom is an escape from everything bad that happens to him. Hoping to escape from the problems and to preserve the remnants of love Daisy, Tom completely disillusioned with the American dream and the thirst for peace only. Thus, it is exposed false ideals Tom and his distorted idea of life on top of success.
The American Dream in the novel seems completely different from different sides. Its role is enormous. The entire novel is saturated with the idea of the American dream. On the one hand, this idea is condemned and the other vice versa presents in the best light. Each reader decides for himself that for him the American dream, one can choose a character to heart and take his side. It is important to consider that the heroes are not good nor bad, they just lose yourself in the pursuit of happiness. Under the prism of luxury, reader can examine the inside of the intricacies of the American dream and shed light on its negative side. In fact, this is the pursuit of the American dream and conductive pushes characters into the abyss. The thirst to achieve better and catch the bird of happiness shows the novel does not always lead to a good result. In the end, we see an enormous tragedy, which has led to the thirst to achieve happiness with money. However, money cannot buy happiness, and have the more you cannot turn the time sleeping.
Works cited
Allen W. Tradition and dream. M., 1970. Print
N. Gorbunov. Scott Fitzgerald's novels. M., 1974. Print
Elders A. Fitzgerald bitter fate. "Foreign Literature", №2, 1965. Print
Mendelssohn M. "Second Sight" Scott Fitzgerald. "Problems of Literature", №3, 1965. Print
FS Fitzgerald M., 1965. Print