The killing of animals for the purposes of medical research has been a great issue of concern. This is due to the fact animals are being overkilled leading to some species being endangered. This therefore calls for advocating for the writes of animals. This has been well elaborated in the following sources:
Dyster, F. D. "Experiments on Animals." BMJ 1.734 (1875): 126-126. Print
This article gives an analysis of the contagious diseases which affected the animals. The description of the health of animals was critically analyzed using the statistical tables and experiments. The article contained information relating to the ways in which diseases can be transmitted from animals to human beings as well as the ways in which these diseases can be controlled and managed. The precautions to be taken while conducting these experiments have also been taken into consideration. This information is therefore useful for this thesis statement since it helps in handling the animal experiments as well as precautions that should be taken to avoid contagious diseases in the experiments. It contains information that relate to the number of animals killed for experiments in medical research.
"Experiments On Living Animals." BMJ 1.2161 (1902): 1369-1369. Print
This is a report, on the increased animal experiments carried between the year 1900 and 1901 that, showed an increase of 806 living animals experiments. The reporter views the use of aesthetics in living animals experiments as in appropriate since the use of aesthetics can be avoided by performing a less severe superficial vene-section that can be performed without the aesthetic. The use of aesthetics is detrimental to the animal if the animal has to recover after the performance of the experiment.
Grubb, R L. "Animal Rights versus Medical Research." Neurosurgery 20.5 (2009): 80910. Print. This article gives a description of the rights of animals in relation to medical research. It outlines the handling of animals during experiments and it states that the use of animals for experiments should not infringe the rights of animals. The animals should not be killed for purposes which are not critical or crucial for the experiments. The experiments should use the animals in manner that will cause little harm to the animals. This is relevant to the thesis statement in that the experiments should be carried out in a manner that will cause minimal harm to the animals used as samples. The author discourages the overkilling of animals for medical research claiming that it may lead to endangered species.
Hollands, Clive. "Animal Experiments. " Nature 339.6222 (2002): 248-248. Print
Hollands in this book explains the need to make animals right a political issue. He publicizes and advocating for the welfare of animals. He makes fully participates as a central figure in calling for the rights and welfare of animals to be take into consideration in respect their massive use in research experiment
Kidd, B. E. "Animal Experiments." BMJ 2.3226 (1922): 827-827. Print.
This Article is a letter from Kidd, B.E the secretary, British Union for Abolition of Vivisection who takes the position of Dr. Hadwen, their president, to address on the contrary on the subject on animal experiments, a published letter from Dr. W.W. Keen, which he claims to be directly contrary to the “consistency” of their president. Kidd writes to have the challenge not allowed to remain uncorrected. In his letter, he explains that Dr. Hardwen issues unconscious advocacy antiseptic as a dictation on the law of carrying animal experiments. Animals should be cared for and healed to prevent the over killing of animals for research.
The use of animals in scientific experiments should have to be political publicized and regulations and laws put in place to guide such experiments. Animal mass killing for experiments should be minimal to avoid destroying the animal ecosystem.