Many companies across the world are experiencing challenges that are derailing the operations and management of the institutions. Some of the challenges are managerial while others are operational. Some of the challenges are deliberately caused by the management of a company. For instance, the company that exists in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street is characterized by many challenges and problems which need to be addressed. The paper shall discuss the problems in the company and the possible recommendations that can resolve the problems. The film is a controversial one which has been banned from airing in many countries across the world. First, it is argued that the movie exemplifies immorality and fraud in the society. The movie is acted in a way in which the directors intend to praise the evils in the movie. These are the problems experienced by the organization which is headed by Leonardo DiCaprio. The recommendations are practical and can be used by the company to revive it from the shambles.
The Wolf of Wall Street is an American film that was produced and directed in 2013. The genre of the film is that of a biographical black comedy and it was produced and directed by Martin Scorsese. The film recounts the life of Jordan Belfort and his career as a stockbroker in the New York City. It also sheds light on how the company associated with Belfort was engaged in extensive corruption dealings and fraud in the Wall Street which eventually resulted to its collapse. The role of Belfort is played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who also co-produced the film. The business partner of Belfort was Jonah Hill and his close friend was Donnie Azoff. Patrick Denham is another important character in the film as she acted as an FBI agent who tries to bring down Leonardo DiCaprio. The movie is notably the first to be produced and releases through digital distribution. It also experienced a major commercial success as it grossed more than $392 million worldwide. However, the film was controversial because it brought out the moral hard depiction of events, profanity, explicit sexual content, the use of hard drugs, and the use of animals for protection.
There are problems that were experienced in the company which was directed and managed by Leonardo DiCaprio. First, there were integrity issues within the company. The film shows how the company was managed by a bunch or liars, amateurs, and fraudsters. These people were involved in brokering deals and achieving a lot of success while they acted as if the company was a legitimate one (Teulon, 2014). The directors and employees of the company lacked professionalism and honesty. They acted with the veneer of professionalism while people invested millions of dollars in them. In fact, the movie gives the financial sector a bad name but it is a reality because that has been going on for many years (Thomson, 1996).
There are recommendations that will help to solve the problems that existed in the organization behind The Wolf of Wall Street film. The first problem being lack of integrity among the employees, the company should consider reviving the image of the company through improving the integrity of its employees. There are a number of ways that the integrity of employees and that of the company can be improved. First, the company should make promises and keep them. For instance, if t promises investors a certain amount of returns upon their investments, it is crucial that the company keeps the promises (Hancock, 2012). Secondly, the employees should be honest in all their communications with investors and clients. If people exercises integrity in their communication, then it implies that they will say what they will do and go on to do what they said. The company behind DiCaprio should always form a communication platform where they communicate with their stakeholders. Further, the company is expected to practice the moral deeds and shy away from involving itself in dirty businesses like drug dealing and prostitution (Paine, 1994). One of the criticisms of the film is that it encourages prostitution and urban terrorism. All the above recommendation can be implemented by the senior directors of the company. The directors cannot achieve the goals by themselves. They therefore, have to involve the junior stuff, the community, and the government agencies. The reasons the above recommendations should be implemented is to do away with the problem that faces the organization (Foreh, 2003).
The film has many sectors which are considered immoral and unethical. A lot of critics have tried to bring down the company because of the problems that the company associated with the film faces. However, the truth of the matter is that whatever the movie brings up are the issues which the world faces at the moment (Child, 1983). They include corruption, fraud, and prostitution, among others. However, if the recommendations above are applied by the companies across the world, the above moral issues will cease to exist.
Teulon, F. (2014). Ethics, moral philosophy and Economics (No. 2014-288).
Thomson, A. B. (1996). Overstatement, but not fraud: The new immorality. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology, 10(3), 143-143.
Hancock, L., & Mooney, G. (2011). ‘Saints and scroungers’: constructing the poverty and crime myth: Lynn Hancock and Gerry Mooney question the supposed links between poverty, immorality and crime. Criminal Justice Matters, 83(1), 26-27.
Paine, L. S. (1994). Managing for organizational integrity. Harvard business review, 72(2), 106-117.
Foreh, M. R., & Grier, S. (2003). When is honesty the best policy? The effect of stated company intent on consumer skepticism. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13(3), 349-356.
Child, J., Fores, M., Glover, I., & Lawrence, P. (1983). A price to pay? Professionalism and work organization in Britain and West Germany. Sociology, 17(1), 63-78.