The English teacher in his act to raise the grades of the students from F to D's acted unethically. Looking on the positive ,the teacher will undoubtedly receive credit for the student's good marks and on the larger scale the technical college will also receive credit for the high marks achieved by students in the college. The pressure to act in the unethical manner that the teacher did is maybe due to the “No Child left behind policy”. The federal education law that mandates school tests puts emphasis on the “ achievement gap” that should be minimised and therefore teachers who fail to achieve this resort to unscrupulous means.
The federal law accords that schools should produce adequate annual reports to show progress in learning for the ethical minorities, low- income students and in this case English language learners. The English teacher in a bid to improve the students grades should have changed his teaching techniques by working more by creating extra hours for the weak students, give homework and harder assignments to the students and reallocation of resources from other courses as the composition course was just as important for graduation as any other in the construction technology program.
Many teachers and school get away with this but the negative implication is that if the school is discovered to have acted in this manner it can be put on probation and in the worst case stripped of its accreditation and the persons responsible face ethical sanctions. This practice in the short term is seen to be beneficial to the teacher, school and students alike but in the long term the students will be hurting. This is because the students who were involved in the act would be incompetent in their technical jobs as the English language is essential in any formal communication.
Works Cited
Ruggiero, V. R., and V. R. Ruggiero. Thinking critically about ethical issues. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 1992. Print.