The interview for Mr. Nguyen, a third-generation Vietnamese-American covers the aspects of the immigrant issues and cultural variations in America. Mr. Nguyen owns a Vietnamese-Chinese restaurant in Milpitas. Mr. Nguyen has a unique and diverse background in relation to the cultural foundations of the immigrant issues in America. He is well endowed with the cultural information pertaining to the cultural variations and diversity in America. The interviewee has a detailed background as far as the cultural conflicts and diversity is concerned in America. He knows well about the cultural values among the people of America and the ay such values affects the economic and social lives of the Americans. The interviewee understands the perspective of the Vietnamese-American in relation to the family and business activities in Americium. Nguyen reflects the details relating to the cultural conflict and integration in relation to various aspects of the society. The interview covers the cultural identity of Mr. Nguyen in relation to the cultural ethics and values of the community in general.
The interview covers the impact of cultural values on the communication skills of Nguyen and how such communication skills influence the business operations and the social interaction. The interviewee understands the problems that the immigrants face in America in relation to the way they carry out their daily business activities. The interview should cover the basic foundations in relation to the challenges and forces which influence the lives of the Vietnamese-American in America. The interview should bring out the duality aspect of both the Vietnamese cultural background and the American core cultural values. The interview will help to portray the interaction of the Vietnamese cultural backgrounds and the American way of life. The interview, therefore, covers the duality and the conflict that arise from the assimilation of the Vietnamese cultural values in the American society. The interview covers the basic cultural values and aspects between the life in Vietnam and the cultural foundation of the Americans. The interview aims at elaboration of the duality aspects of the Vietnamese culture in America. It covers the extent to which the American cultures assimilated the cultural values of the Vietnamese in America. The interview covers the relationship between Nguyen and the customers to his restaurant.
The interview should also entail the cultural influence on the economic conditions and the types of foods that the immigrants demand in America. The setting of the restaurant is very essential as a source of cultural background information. The interview helps to gather relevant information re3lating to the family of Mr. Nguyen especially the historical, social lives of the people of Vietnam. The interview targets the history of immigration relating to the family of Nguyen. The interview relates historical cultural background to the current cultural norms in the society where Nguyen lives in America. The interview helps to bring out information relating to the source of various cultural values, as well as the evolution of such cultural foundations in the Vietnamese-American life in America. The interview targets the duality concept in relation to the culture of the Americans as well as the norms of Vietnamese cultural backgrounds.
The interviewee reflects the emphasis on various cultural norms and values. The interviewee shows that the Vietnamese-American values the aspects of communication especially in the business environment. The emphasis on etiquette within the restaurant is an important component of Vietnamese cultural values and norms. The focus on etiquette in restaurants is essential in relation to the success of the business activities of the immigrants in America. The cultural values on table manners and hotel etiquette enabled most immigrants from Vietnam to operate restaurant businesses in the most appropriate manner. The emphasis on traditional Vietnamese foods influenced the provision of food services by the immigrants in the restaurant. The historical norms relating to consumption patterns of the people of Vietnam has an influence on the restaurant services by Nguyen. The cultural norms of the Vietnamese influenced the types of foods provided to the customers especially the immigrants in America. The relationship between the American and the Vietnamese cultural norms influenced the nature of food services offered by the restaurants in America. The interaction between Nguyen and the customers to his restaurant influenced the communication strategies in business. The cultural values and norms of the Vietnamese-Americans encouraged a good business environment. The aspects relating to social acceptance between the American cultural values and the Vietnamese norms influenced the nature of business activities and the whole business environment.
The interview reflects the aspects of morality in relation to the culture of the Vietnamese-Americans. The emphasis on the aspects of child health among people of Vietnam influenced the way in which the immigrants in America treated their children. The cultural values and norms influence the treatment and upbringing of the children among the Vietnamese-Americans. The treatment and handling of the children under the Vietnamese cultures. The cultural emphasis on the welfare of the children is evident from the interview with Nguyen. Nguyen demonstrates a great emphasis in relation to the role of the children in the society. The treatment of children among the Vietnamese-Americans influenced the cultural interaction and assimilation in America. The culture of the Vietnamese influenced the communication skills of the children of the immigrants. The children of the immigrants faced a lot of challenges in relation to learning languages in school due to the influence of their first languages. The Vietnamese-American children often had their first native languages which made complications in relation to learning of a new language. The first language affected the communication skills and techniques of the people especially on the aspects of pronunciations. Cultural impact on the language of the Vietnamese-Americans. The challenges relating to the ethnic languages influenced the aspects of communication especially in relation to the perception of the various attitudes in the society.
The interview shows that the verbal communication is common among the Vietnamese-Americans. The use of non-verbal communication tools like gestures and facial expressions are very common. Non-verbal cues and communication techniques are essential in communication of information among the people of this culture. The interaction between the American and Vietnamese cultures involves heavy use of non-verbal communication. The heavy use of non-verbal communication techniques among the people of this culture facilitates effective communication. The emphasis on non-verbal communication influenced the interaction between the American and the Vietnamese cultures in eth society. The non-verbal communication techniques among the Vietnamese helped to boost communication among the immigrants. Verbal communication is also a form of communication in this culture with the support of non-verbal techniques almost throughout the conversation. The interviewee demonstrates mastery of non-verbal communication. Nguyen expressed most of the aspects of his cultural background with the help of non-verbal communication techniques. He used gestures and facial expressions throughout the interview to express his answers based on various cultural aspects.
The communication style of the interview can be described as assertive communication. The interviewee maintained a good eye contact through ought the conversation. Mr. Nguyen elaborates his views and opinions without the effect on others in the society. The assertive style of communication enabled the interviewee to express his feelings and opinions concerning his cultural background without bias. The style of communication enabled me to cover a wide scope without affecting the moods of the respondent. The communication style played an effective role in the presentation of the relevant facts concerning the lives of the Vietnamese-American. Nguyen elaborated his cultural background in a variety of ways. He gave a verbal description concerning the cultural background of the Vietnamese-American community. The use of traditional items and clothing enabled Nguyen to elaborate the details and aspects of his cultural identity. He demonstrated some artefacts relating to the history of the Vietnamese-American immigrants. The combination of both verbal and non-verbal means of communication enabled m
e to analyze the cultural identity of Vietnamese-American immigrants. The use of drawings and paintings in Nguyen's restaurant displays the cultural identity of the Vietnamese. The painting of various foods and buildings elaborate the cultural history and identity of the people of Vietnam.
The aspect of assimilation is surprising to the cultural background of Mr. Nguyen. The Vietnamese-American cultural background reflects the high degree of assimilation of the Vietnamese cultural values and norms. The aspects of assimilation made the cultural values of the Vietnamese-American reflect the most of the American way of life. The assimilation of the Vietnamese led to the elimination of the bias pertaining to ethnicity and racial discrimination. The cultural background of the Vietnamese-American is unique in the sense that it still reflects the initial accents in the ethnic languages. The accent is clear from Mr. Nguyen. His accent and pronunciation of words made the language of Vietnamese distinct and clear. The effects pronunciation reflects the aspects of ethnic backgrounds and the effects of assimilation on the Vietnamese immigrants. The connotation of ethnic background is evident from the conversation. Education played a significant role in relation to the assimilation of the cultural norms and values of the Vietnamese in America. The high degree of assimilation led to the erosion of cultural values and communication techniques. The impact of assimilation on communication and language is clear from the interview.
The main challenge while interacting with the interviewee was the issue of pronunciations and use of non-verbal communication. I faced difficulties in understanding various words pronounced by Mr. Nguyen. The interviewee pronounced various sound and words in a unique manner making it difficult for me to grasp the meaning of various sentences. This forced me to listen very carefully in order to clarify on various words during the conversation. The accent made the flow of language difficult as well as complications in communication. It was challenging to grasp the meaning of various symbols and non-verbal communication tools used by the interviewee. The mismatch of non-verbal communication tools made the conversation very difficult especially where the interviewee used no verbal communication. The use of tonal variations also challenged me in relation to the language of Americans-Vietnamese. The challenges relating to intonation and ethnic accent made it difficult for me to comprehend the meaning of various sentences. The nature of gestures used by Mr. Nguyen made it difficult for me to understand some parts of the conversation with the interviewee. The aspects relating to non-verbal communication made me difficult to interact with the interviewee in the friendliest and appropriate way.
The interview enabled me to understand various aspects of intercultural communication. The interview helped me to gain exposure in relation to the aspects of variations in the pronunciations of words by people from various ethnic groups. The exposure to the influence of cultural backgrounds enabled me to gain knowledge in dealing with the people from various parts of the world. The information pertaining to multicultural communication is essential in boosting the relationship among the people in the society. The knowledge of multicultural communication is significant in the promotion of cultural integration. The interview enabled me appreciate the cultural diversity in the society.
In conclusion, the multicultural communication helped me to gather information relating to the history and the ethnic identity of the community. The information on intercultural communication is essential in order to facilitate effective communication. The interview played an essential role to elaborate the cultural background and history of Vietnam. The interview enabled me to understand the effect of cultural backgrounds on communication skills. The impact of cultural background on communication is evident from the interview. Communication requires adequate information on the cultural background in order to minimize the challenges in communication. Cultural information is necessary in order to streamline the process of communication.
Works Cited
Cayton, Mary K, and Peter W. Williams. Encyclopedia of American Cultural & Intellectual History. New York: Scribner, 2001. Print.
Laughrey, James C. Know Before You Go: Improving Army Officer Sociocultural Knowledge. Carlisle Barracks, Pa: U.S. Army War College, 2008. Print.
Rothman, Juliet C. Cultural Competence in Process and Practice: Building Bridges. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2008. Print.