Paine uses the term “material injuries” to refer to British exploitation of American resources. According to Paine the Great Britain enriched itself through commercial activities in America. The continent provided both goods and market for trade. Therefore, they had to protect their commercial interest from other competing powers such as France and Spain who also had an interest in American resources. The argument about material injuries has got both merits and weaknesses. The British was exploiting American resources for their own benefits. The exploitation did not benefit the Americans who were the owners of resources and also provided market goods. For this reason, Paine aptly describes the outcome as material injuries. On the other hand, the argument’s main weakness is that it is one sided. Paine fails to recognize any benefit of British trade with America during colonization. Indeed, this trade brought a considerable amount of investment by the wealthy Britons in America.Q2. Paine argument that Europe and not England was the parent of America was based the immigration trends in 18th century. He states that America was an asylum country for people who were persecuted in Europe because of their stand on religious and civil liberties. This people were the first emigrants to the continent according to Paine. His argument is that these emigrants did not come from one country, Great Britain, but from entire Europe. Therefore, Europe should be considered the parent of America and not England. Paine is partly right to state that Europe was the parent country of America and not England. This is because the early immigrants of US came from various countries in Europe. These included Germany, England, Ireland, Spain and France. There were not from a single country, England. However, he is partly wrong to argue exclusively that these immigrants came only from Europe. By the time the British colonialist discovered, there were millions of people living in America. Based on immigrants’ logic, it can be argued then that Asia is the parent of America. Native Americans or the first inhabitants of North America are believed to have migrated from Asia.
It was not easy for America to cut its connection with England while the later was referred to the former as a child. The parent-child notion only served to perpetuate the connection between the two. Paine argues otherwise so that the notion of great bond between England and America can be dispelled to give the opportunity for independence.Q3.
Paine urged America to pursue commercial interest. He believed that it commerce and trade would make America more secure in the future. He states that America could pursue commercial interest only by not making any political alliance with any European country. He went on to say that their alliance with England had many negative consequences especially when England was at war with any European country. Severing political connection with England would enable America to sell their corn in any European country and earn income to pay for imports. The commercial interest also features again when Paine talked about the manufacturing of fleets, use of unoccupied land and protection of property. According to him, America had raw materials needed to make navy ships for export. Q4. Paine emphasizes in his article that it was not their number but the unity that was the strength of America. He goes on to state that they have the largest army and numbers needed to repel any enemies in the world. However, he argues that continental and not provincial would guarantee posterity. According to him, infant colonies could not sustain and support themselves unless they united. Paine argues that the whole could do anything when united (143). He sees unity as a priority because of the difficulty of forming one in the future. He argues that thriving commerce and increase in population would create interest which would make it very hard for colonies to unite. Colonies would embrace competition and some would not accept to form alliances. Unity would guarantee success in America because by uniting the colonies would have greater resources for growth and development. .Q5. Paine gives four reasons why America should gain independence. The first reason is that there would be no mediator in their conflict with England. Consequently, the conflict and quarrels would last forever. The second reason was related to assistance from European countries. He argues that as long as America maintains a close connection with England, other European countries such as France and Spain would not provide any help to America. This is because these countries presumed that their aid would be used to strengthen England America connection. The third reason was that they hard to shed off the rebel tag. Other Europeans because of their military activities while still under British rule. The fourth reason was that no foreign court would listen to their grievances against the British. He argues that Americans did not get justice in British courts. Consequently, there was no need of taking petition to courts in Britain which is very many miles away.
Work Cited
Paine, Thomas. Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs and Of the Present Ability of America. Common Sense, 1776. Print.