Human resource management involves all processes concerned with hiring and improving the performance of employees in an organisation. The motive is to ensure that the goals, missions and vision of an organisation are achieved efficiently. This paper defines the notion of training and development, explains its role and ways through which it can be employed to ensure efficiency in delivery. Fundamentally, Training refers to activity that has been organised with a motive of imparting knowledge, information and instructions so as to improve the employee or recipient’s performance. Besides ensuring acquisition of knowledge, it involves the application of the skills to improve the efficiency in duty performance so as to achieve the organisations goals within the stipulated period. On the other hand development in most cases is defined about the field of psychology though human resource it can be considered as an extension, the advancements of the theoretical or the practical aspects of a concept covering invention and innovation.
Training and development as a human resource concern refer to an official educational activity organised by an organisation with a motive of improving the performance of employees. In most cases, businesses organise these training whenever they realise a need based on how the employees are performing. It may be a compulsory or voluntary training but of importance in enhancing the skills and general knowledge concerning that line of Business, Wilson (2006). Before considering the role played by training and development, it is important to understand the needs, reasons why training and development may be required. Some factors need to be considered before the initiation of training and development programs. The need of improving quality and productivity and the need for enhancing security are important in this case. Ideally, the safety of workers and assets within an institution is very important. Workers should, therefore, be trained on how to control some machines such as Cameras, fire extinguishers and other means of alerting people in case of an occurrence. This is important as it ensures everyone is safe despite their locations in an office. Finally, need to ensure effectiveness in management. Training is essential and can be used as a tool for planning and control. It assists in skill development and preparation in the performance of the current and future responsibilities.
The notion of training and development is very essential to the performance of an organisation. It is, therefore, important to know the functions, importance and roles of this concept to an organisation. Firstly, it assists in addressing the employees’ weaknesses. Most workers have weaknesses that stop them from performing their duties adequately. By identifying, training and strengthening their skills, they will be capable of performing. If the program is well organised the employees are likely to be brought to the same footage, and therefore the organisation doesn’t have to rely on some employees (Mathis and Jackson, 2012). Secondly, Improvement and consistency in duty performance. When an employee is properly trained, their confidence is boosted, and therefore performance elevated. Consistency is very vital in an organisation. Every business needs to up their level of competence and remain in the market, for this to happen every worker must be competent and consistent in performance. Thirdly, training and development ensure employee satisfaction. According to Vivien Martin (2006), training and development are part of the motivation given to workers making them feel part of the whole body. This assists the employees in appreciating the role they play in an organisation. In addition to this, when workers are trained it means that they become informed and possibly they may be considered part of the governance. In this case, their views and ideas are assembled and the best applied for the benefit of the organisation. The impact of this to the employees is likely to be well illustrated by the volume of output or profit margin.
Additionally, reduced cost and improved quality services and products. Through training, there is efficiency and effectiveness in operation. When this is achieved, the amount of resources employed in production is likely to be reduced. Efficiency goes hand in hand with improved quality and even production facilitated by learnt new and modified standards of production. To sum up, training and development are necessary as it reduces supervision. The moment an employee gains the necessary skills and knowledge, confidence is boosted. Based on John R. Hendon (2014). They become self-reliant and work under minimal to no supervision with the minimum amount of guidance involved. Reduced supervision implies that the senior workers have more time to dwell on other issues affecting the organisation rather than supervision. In addition to this, some senior duties may also be delegated by managers without worry of failure.
In conclusion, human resource is an important part of an organisation as it is the key determinant of whether the goals and objectives of an institution are likely to be met. Training is very vital in ensuring organisational development and success. If an employee is well trained, He/she is more likely to become more efficient and productive. Skills, knowledge and capabilities are likely to enhance and in the long run the goals, missions and visions of an organisation are likely to be achieved.
Lussier, P. R. N. (2015). Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, and Skill Development. New York: Sage Publications, Inc.
Martin, V. (2006). Managing projects in human resources, training and development. London: Kogan Page.
Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2012). Human resource management: Essential perspectives. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.