I. Introduction
The transportation industry is a solitary system ranked as one of the most developing industries in the entire world. This is for the main reason that almost all the humans in the globe participate in the industry. In the current world, diverse innovations are conducted in the transport system. This is to ensure that people are able to move and communicate with ease. The whole globe has been reduced into a single village because of the technology innovation in the transport industry (Hibbs, 2000). The transport industry has developed from ancient techniques that where extremely slow to present, fast transport techniques (Young, 2008). This has improved the human lifestyle making it easy to conduct business.
1. Overview
2. Background information
3. Recent developments
II. Types Of Transport Industry
1. Road Transport
2. Railway Transport
3. Water Transport
4. Air Transport
5. Traditional Transport
III. Factors Affecting Transport Industry
1. Lack of enough capital
2. Poor construction
3. Lack of resources
IV. Conclusion and Recommendations
The transportation industry is a competitive and fast developing business in the entire universe. This makes it be exceedingly easy for communities to travel from one position to a new destination. Unlike in the past where people had to spend days walking to achieve expected destinations, modern people only spend hours to travel from one nation to another. This is through the various innovations of the road, water, air and railway transport (Spurling, 2010). This has made it possible for people to communicate and conduct business.
Hibbs, J. (2000). An introduction to transport studies, Chicago: Kogan Page Publishers
Spurling, D. (2010). Introduction to Transport Economics: Demand, Cost, Pricing, and Adoption,
London: Universal-Publishers
Young R, (2008). Transport Economics Digital Textbook, New York: Tutor2u Limited