People now struggle to be unordinary as the modern world requires us to be. David Cope is one of those who did managed to compose something that can wow humanity today; fortunately or not, he came into another understanding of the word “creativity”. “In his view, all music — and, really, any creative pursuit — is largely based on previously created works. Call it standing on the shoulders of giants; call it plagiarism. Everything we create is just a product of recombination” (Blitstein).
David Cope is the one who combined the artificial intelligence and music. We are told that he tried to reproduce already known to people pieces of music, such as Bach’s sonatas. Though, once he faced some difficulties: while Bach was able to bypass some rules in order to make the sound better, the program he created was not, as David did not tell her to do so. After some time, the program and algorithms were changed and improved so that, it could play Mozart, Bach’s compositions.
The first time David presented his invention at the University of Illinois, the spectators were lost for words. Still, there were some people who supported such innovations, and some of those, who tried to wrestle it. As he told once “it is all about computer versus human” and he was right. To support his Emmy and Emily Howell, he is trying to bring to the world understanding that “nobody's original We are what we eat, and in music, we are what we hear. What we do is look through history and listen to music. Everybody copies from everybody. The skill is in how large a fragment you choose to copy and how elegantly you can put them together."(Biltstein) David still hope that one day he will create the piece of music that will change somebody’s life, as once music changed his.
Work cited:
Blitstein, Ryan. "Triumph Of The Cyborg Composer". N.p., 2016. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.