1. UN Millennium Goals overview
World leaders have committed themselves to take joint action and efforts for the implementation of such a broad and universal as the strategic program of UN Millennium Goals. These objectives are in line with the theoretical priority of the UN concept of human development implies. An important advantage of this program was the transformation of the most important priorities of mankind (poverty alleviation, education, health, gender equality, develop a global partnership) in specific objectives and quantitative indicators to assess progress (or regress) in achieving them. The objectives are considered as an additional tool for international law, international conventions, treaties providing normative framework cooperation between the countries by mobilizing and encouraging stakeholders to act.
2. The eradication of hunger is the greatest global challenge
Despite the rapid development of the economy, achievements in many fields of science in the XIX - XX centuries, this issue has not lost its sharpness. Most of the UN agencies that are engaged in the fight against hunger carry out serious social programs aimed at improving food security for the poorest segments of the population, especially those living in rural areas. The lack of mandatory nutrients in the diet of many people is detrimental effect on their health. Accordingly, the reduced quality of the workforce and productivity. Malnutrition is the main cause of nearly half of all child deaths. Commitments and cooperation at regional level contribute to the exchange of experiences and other cooperative arrangements among developing countries.
3. A brief summary of the problem of hunger
The official international statistics indicate the urgency of the problem of hunger in the world today. “Some countries have made impressive gains and are “on track,” but many more are falling behind.” The fight against hunger does not bring the expected result in many regions of the world. The United Nations aims to save lives, prevent further deterioration of the economic situation of households, preventing strong hunger, investments in preparation for disaster response, recovery of people's lives after the war and natural disasters, reducing the level of malnutrition among the population. In each country the fight against malnutrition has its own specifics. The UN is trying to improve food security by supporting small-scale farmers.
4. Prospects of solving this problem
It is impossible to solve this problem fully because "at the global level more than 800 million people are still living in extreme poverty.” The global challenge of fighting hunger involves the development of the agricultural sector in the region, located in the "zone of hunger." UN project aims to support poverty reduction strategies implemented by low- and middle-income countries. In addition the United Nations is making efforts to solve global problems in a number of areas of international trade to climate change and debt relief.
5. The current status of that goal
According to experts, today there is enough space in the world for the possibility to provide nutrition for 20-25 billion human. UN seeks realization of the right of every person to have access to all the necessary elements of life including food and water. Donor countries should make more efforts for the modernization of agriculture in Africa and Asia through the supply of agricultural machinery, fertilizers and so on.
6. Development Cooperation
The effectiveness of UN activities largely depends on the position of strong regional structures, which will take on more responsibility in their respective regions. UN helps local NGOs to prepare for climate change, providing food or money, while the community create or maintain public assets. The work of NGOs based on a contractual basis, “They can also be community centers where emergency relief is distributed and space for meetings and discussions.”
Forsyth, Ellen. "Public libraries and the millennium development goals." IFLA journal 31, no. 4 (2005): 315-323.
Haines, Andy, Cassels, Andrew. "Can the millennium development goals be attained?." BMJ: British medical journal 329, no. 7462 (2004): 394.
Un.org. 2017. "United Nations Millennium Development Goals". Un.Org. http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/poverty.shtml.