Tan (2007), establishes a Cognitive Behavior Therapy technique applying a unifying strategy to improve clinical issues of the patient. By the use of informed consent approach, Tan (2007) distinguishes the suitable therapeutic methods utilizing implied integration, a surreptitious method or precise integration, which is an unconcealed approach, which purposely promotes spiritual dynamics in counseling. Tan (20017) supports the effectiveness of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy technique using empirical data, from historical studies of cognitive therapy. Notably, the cognitive therapy has developed to include therapeutic approaches whereby the love of God is exhibited and uncovered through the Holy Spirit. This technique aims at offering patients with a comprehension that inspires them to identify ways to restore their wholeness.
The essential preconceptions elementary in the biblical approach to cognitive behavior therapy integrate various principle aspects. First, it promotes God’s love which is manifested through compassion and relationship. Second, analyzing traditional incidences constructively to unveil the unresolved” problems. Third, aiming at the subjective importance of spirituality and its effects on religion convection, whereby truth reveals itself. Fourth, addressing cognitive matters that impact conduct where truth provides significance change in restoration techniques. Fifth, illumining dominion of the Holy Spirit to treat as well as impact conduct that affects emotional results, where dependency triggers transformational change. Sixth, it concentrates on the essence of the society and relations to subordinate change. Lastly, utilizing techniques with scriptural truth to offer a meaning in suffering, whereby being open to God’s love instills the roots for everlasting spiritual maturation.
According to Tan (2007), intentional integration is an elementary element in therapy. Evidently, the Holy Spirit leads the skirmish whereby either implied or precise integration is embraced to supplement situations depending on the spiritual evaluation findings. The impact of circumspection, which is imported from eastern religions, figuratively presents related ideas of how subject faith-based thoughts meets spiritual insights. Consequently, disquietude is dejected through behavior and love virtually shatters groundless thinking. Fundamentally, healing happens if the mind can distinguish incongruence to restore the self. God’s power functions through the therapists and patients when healing occurs.
Tan (2007) establishes inspiring techniques to apply prayers in counseling therapy. Ideally, the competence of prayers in cognitive transformation has even motivated the scientific society. In his article, Tan (2007) uses a spiritual method to provide the patient a novel inner lens to allow them to view the world in new ways. Groundless thinking can be alleviated by the truth present in God’s words and His love. This article unveils that God is merciful and embraces all people including the sinners. The sacrifice and death of Christ reveal the God's love and His connection to humanity. Hence, humans get a meaning through the therapeutic power bestowed in the Holy Spirit.
The article by Tan (2007) provides an inspiration of humbleness and honesty. Evidently, the Holy Spirit is powerful and works as exhibited in the academic paper. The article highlights the essence of scriptures and their uses in therapy, whereby prayers unveils the truth and promotes its importance. It draws from counseling theories and provides the essential unavailable aspects that secular methods cannot offer. Psychodynamic techniques have impacted, deformed and disconnected psychology from the theological origins. Importantly, the assimilation of Christianity in cognitive behavior theory has exhibited its effectiveness in counseling.
Tan (2007) provides alternative elements to unifying thinking. Further, the article provides a practical therapeutic technique that may be absorbed in comparable studies. Neurobiology also embraces Tan (2007) arguments as exhibited by the intertwining between spiritual and psychological context. Apparently, the context of psychology in the contemporary world requires elements of the scriptures for counseling to work. The article by Tan (2007) shows the essence God’s love and compassion through the power of the Holy Spirit to successful therapy.
It is notable from Tan’s article that inner healing is an effective approach to therapy, and it does work. Application of these principles and Scriptures in counseling proves efficient. Currently, I work as a volunteer at a charity organization that deals with numerous people who have different issues. Most of the people are experiencing depression and have addiction problems. I have to initiate therapy for these individuals with the assistance of the director who is a pastor. The therapy will integrate prayers, scriptures, and counseling.
At the beginning of every session, I encourage my clients to pray and then I will read scripture. Next, I will inspire the clients to think of situations that make them sad or inflict pain to their memories. The clients should then understand that they are safe and will know the whole truth regarding the therapy process including any attached pain. When clients start to unveil the truth and re-experience their previous encounters, prayers will help them gain soul healing. I can ask the clients to share with me what they are experiencing to determine if they are the influence of the power of the Holy Spirit. Connecting the previous encounters with the current experience will assist in determining how the two are related. Once the session is over, I will offer assignments to the clients. The task may include prayers, reading scriptures and meditating what transpired before, during and after the counseling therapy.
This approach will work since the integrations of prayers and scriptures to cognitive behavior therapy prove efficient in assisting people to get the meaning of their troubles. At the end of the sessions, the clients will experience a stable change in their life.
Tan, S. (2007). Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therap. Journal of Psychology and Christianity,26(2), 101-111. doi: