The war in Vietnam occurred due to the conflicts that existed between the two super powers. At this period, cold war was in progress. United States had a policy that it should stop the spread of communism as much as possible (Faragher, 774). This is why it intervened in Vietnam and tried to stop this spread. The war was very necessary for the security of the United States.
United States believed that if one country adopted communism, then other more countries would follow suit and communism. As a result, communism would spread in other neighboring regions. United States felt that capitalism is the best ideology that countries should adopt. By adopting capitalism, it means that such a country would become a United States allies. The fact that Vietnam was adopting communism mean t that it was becoming a Russian allies. Spread of communism meant that Russia would get more allies. As a result, the security of the United States would increase considering that; it would be having more neighboring enemies. This is why the war was necessary (Faragher, 776).
Those who say that the war was not necessary argue that many United States citizens died. In this regard, if the country did not go to war meant United States citizens would not have died. In addition, these people argue that many innocent Vietnamese citizens died. However, it is important to realize that the massive death of people was not foreseen. United States could not have failed to protect its ideology in fear of death of its citizens considering that spread of communism was a threat to its security. In addition, the massive deaths were not foreseen before the war. People should also realize that any war results to deaths and loss of property. Vietnamese war was therefore a war like any other ad deaths and destruction of property was inevitable. From these observations, it can be concluded that Vietnamese war was necessary even though its results were unexpected and negative to the lives of United States citizens (Faragher, 778).
Work cited
Faragher, J. M. (1995). Out of many: A history of the American people. Englewoods Cliffs (N.J.: Prentice Hall.