The story deals with the life of Ivan Iiych leading onto his last days. The story initially gives an insight of his early life. He is an individual with background affiliation in Law and legal studies. He goes on to achieve social standing and recognition. In between he often gets way too absorbed in his work speaking for his dedication, which in turn enables him gaining expertise. However the unusual deprivation of success brings about resentment in his behavior towards the professional career yet he continues struggling in a different way. He decides to try his luck in new atmosphere by remotely moving to a different city. His next aim is to try his luck at Ministry of Justice, but he does not find any positive response from that corner either. He finds some luck later in the form of higher remuneration. This excites him and brings him back to life that he had previously lost on account of disapprovals.
His joy is short lived, and he suffers a minor injury that would later on prove to be fatal and result in his death. The social response is hardly supportive towards his internal deteriorating state of mind and body.
The post demise scenario and the response, vested interests, are of surprise from his kith and kin trying to gain maximum from his demise. Even the nurse’s remarks are relatively unexpected at that time. The only person who provides some comfort to him during his last days is Gerasim. Other people show cold shoulder to his overall accomplishments and status as an individual that he had achieved through his life span. In his last days, Ivan comes to know the reality of the people and life around him and knows how artificial everything around is (Tolstoy, 2013).
I learnt the message of social awakening and bitterness of this world from the book. The lead character was being sidelined and ignored time and again and as a result made to suffer. There was just too much competition at the cost of other human being’s sentiments.
Tolstoy, L. (2013). The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Interactive Media.