Every time there is a possibility of loss in any way, there is a particular cover for it. Whether it is for a loss in car insurance, an accident, or loss in case of a natural calamity, and disability insurance for a loss caused by sudden disability.
Health Insurance
This type of insurance provides coverage for individuals when they experience health emergencies and general health complications. This cover is for the costs incurred during doctor`s visit, medical emergencies, ambulance service, and hospital stays.
Life Insurance
This type of insurance only pays out only when the insured dies. It is then passed to the deceased`s survivors as a financial boost. This cover is used to create bill payments, education fees, and inheritance in addition to other various purposes.
Vehicle Insurance
This particular insurance is for the cover of damages to one`s car, the people, other property, and the uninsured who may be injured or damaged during the accident. There are various types of insurance policies for vehicles; motorcycle insurance, RV insurance, Boat insurance, special insurance, truck insurance.
Homeowner`s Insurance
There exist two kinds of homeowner`s insurance. One type covers the homeowner in events such as; theft, fire, storms, floods, hurricane insurance which must be purchased differently. This kind of cover is only up to the type of coverage obtained or extent of damage to property. The other kind protects the lender in the case of mortgage failure to pay on the home buyer`s part.
Renter`s Insurance
This coverage is similar to homeowner`s insurance, but it is more suited for the individuals who rent. This is for the sole purpose of replacement provision for the renter`s possessions and to provide another place to live after damaging events such as; fire, and water damage.
Business Insurance
It consists of many aspects including; buildings, employees, business partners, essential employees in a company. This also provides for a business start over inclusive of income provisions in the occurrence of a destruction or damage.
Travel Insurance
This provides cover to travelers who may have lost possessions, health bills requirement costs in a foreign country, cancelled scheduled flights, and accidental death. This insurance also has provisions for emergency evacuations when required.
Swartz, K. (2006). Reinsuring health: Why more middle-class people are uninsured and what government can do. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Washington (State)., & Washington State Library. (2004). Travelers and health insurance: What you need to know to protect yourself from fraudulent health insurance plans. Olympia, Wash.: The Commissioner.
Li, J., Landry, C., & East Carolina University. (2012). Community flood hazard mitigation and the community rating system of national flood insurance program. Greenville, N.C.: East Carolina University.
North Carolina. (2004). Consumers guide to shopping for insurance. Raleigh, N.C: North Carolina Department of Insurance.
Rowley, L., & Rowley, Carla. (2008). Cheap Insurance For Your Home, Automobile, Health, & Life: How To Save Thousands While Getting Good Coverage. Atlantic Publishing Group.