As a psychologist, I will define intelligence as a wide-ranging group of mental abilities which will include a person’s logical information processing in relation to verbal and spatial, functions. Intelligence will also cover the capacity of human beings to understand emotions, the meaning and relationship of these emotions which can be used to reason out and solve problems (Mayer, Caruso & Salovey 268). A person’s intelligence varies depending on the performance of mental abilities. General intelligence covers the cognitive abilities of a person in relation to a person’s cognitive tasks. On the other hand, emotional intelligence refers to the ability of individuals to manage and perceive emotions, as well to understand their meaning (Mayer, Caruso & Salovey 268). Emotional intelligence cannot be equated to the concept of general intelligence. Emotional intelligence will allow a person to recognize, perceive and express his emotions within himself and to other people around him.
I agree with the post of my classmate that intelligence varies depending on the ability of the person to perceive the things around him or her. The intelligence of a person is innate. However, the ability to perceive emotions such as emotional intelligence is not the same for every person. Some may have high emotional intelligence, but have low intelligence quotient.
I agree with the post of my classmate that intelligence quotient for one person is not the same as the other person. However, emotional intelligence can be learned in the sense that it will depend on the interpersonal influence of the specific individual. It is important to learn emotions and understand them because it can affect one’s personal success.
Works Cited:
Mayer, John D., Caruso, David R. & Salovey, Peter. “Emotional Intelligence Meets Traditional
Standards for an Intelligence”. Intelligence 27.4 (2000): 268-298.