THESIS: Both urban and rural veterans should have access to similar comprehensive healthcare packages. Nevertheless, there has been discrimination on the provision of these services.
My paper is aimed at bringing to light discrimination on the provision of healthcare services to veterans. Those who live in cities receive better services as compared to their counterparts who live in the countryside (Iglehart 338). It is of importance that the needs of all veterans no matter where they are in the country access VA facilities.
What do I already know about my topic?
Veterans are very important in the history of our country but they are less recognized and helped in as far as their welfare is concerned. Most of them have been neglected by the state and society in general (Gao eta al 143).What do my readers already know?
My readers know that the state reaches out to help veterans but they do not know that there is biasness in relaying healthcare help to the veterans in big cities and those who live in far away villages in remote parts of the country.What do my readers need to know to understand my point?
My readers need to know that healthcare systems are not easily accessible by all veterans. They also need to know that the government has sidelined veterans found in rural areas, and this depicts the government as biased. All veterans should be treated equally and be given an opportunity to live an equal life with their counterparts who live in cities.What information do I need to research and add to my paper?
I am expected to get concrete evidence that there is biasness in the providence of healthcare to the veterans.
Works Cited
Gao Jian, Campbell James, Engelhardt Joseph & Malphurs Fred. Copayment Restructuring And Its Impact On Resources at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Int J Healthc Technol Manage (2003):141–155.
Iglehart JK. Reform of the Veterans Affairs Health Care System. N Engl J Med (1996): 335-380.