Love is a word that has different meanings to different people. The word can be a significance of feeling and emotion towards another person, or it can include different levels of feeling. The word love can be defined as “an intense feeling of deep affection” . Love is described as a feeling of overwhelming connection to another person and that feeling or connection can happen in different ways. A person may fall in love instantly related to a feeling of connection. Or a person may fall in love over a period of time after being with someone. What does love mean, and does it change over time?
When I was younger I thought love was a deep feeling that comes over your body, heart, and mind. It made me feel like I was lost without the person I was in a relationship with. I thought that was love. On a different level, I felt love for my family but not the same type of love I felt for my partner. I found out after late on in life that love was not easy, and it was hurtful. The more love you feel for someone the more painful it can be when it does not work out.
I had first experienced the feeling of overwhelming connection with another person and did not want to be away from them. There were times I could not be with that person and I was sad and could not focus on anything else. I was not happy until I got to see that person and dreaded to say goodbye. I would count down the hours and talk all the time on the phone to that person. I thought that was love. I thought I had figured out what it felt to actually fall in love with someone unconditionally. I was very wrong and later learned what I thought love was in life.
Later on in life I had met up with someone I had not seen in years. We had been friends since childhood and had lost touch. I had no reason to think about love or relationships in that moment in life. We had picked up on our friendship and began hanging out like time had not passed at all. Love then had snuck in and smacked me in the face. I had no idea I had those types of feelings at all. One day I realized that I had experienced love and it was different than the first time. This time, it felt more realistic and normal. There were a connection and intense feelings that had sprung into action and I was unsure how to handle it. Once I accepted what I was feeling and acted on it then it became the greatest feeling I had ever experienced.
When that person is the only thing in life that you want to be with. You feel a complete comfort with that person that you have never felt with anyone else. When you want to put their needs and wants before your own because you feel so deeply for them. To worry about the safety of that person when they are not in your presence is a form of the feeling love. It is a strong emotional bond that you get to share with someone throughout life and you would not want anyone else to experience life with. Love is a feeling of complete acceptance and content when you’re with the person you love. The meaning of love is a feeling of emotional bond and connection that is so strong you don’t ever want to let it go. That is love.
Work Cited
Spindel, Carly. "What Does Love Mean?" Huffington Post (2015): 1-3. web.