Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is a way person decides in a specific topic, issue or matter. It is a way of deciding if it is true, correct, partly true, sometimes true or totally incorrect or false. Critical thinking is most often used in most professions as it helps a professional complete his or her analysis towards completion of a specific task. Critical thinking helps them analyze pieces of information towards creating and establishing concluding decisions. It also helps students in develop a concrete learning in universities, despite arguments regarding the scope and true meaning of critical thinking. The bottom line is critical thinking is the way person thinks extensively beyond obvious evidence and visible facts.
Three Significant Things about Critical Thinking
I have learned that in critical thinking, three significant things that I can learn about it are logic, epistemology and ethics. Logic applies to study of the principles of validity of thinker’s reasoning. It is not just a mere fact that critical thinking involves simple imagination. Another thing is the epistemology, which we study the nature, origin, and knowledge limits. Last is ethics, which for me is the most important thing so as to evaluate an action’s morality that can help with critical thinking.
Critical Thinking Changed After Knowing Things
My critical thinking changed after I have learned those things, to the point that critical thinking is not just a simple brainstorming process in which we gather information and facts, but we must analyze deeper and broader that we should think of important things such as the validity of our knowledge as well as the moral background of a subject. It is not enough to think what is in our mind, but we should think morally out of the box.
Carroll, R. T. (2004). Becoming a Critical Thinker. Retrieved September 25, 2013, from