The analysis aimed at resolving various managerial issues. The first issue is the effectiveness of the marketing department. This department is in charge of the various activities concerning sale of the products at hand. In this case, the data was useful in determining the most significant method. The data was a comparison between methods and its result indicate the effectiveness of different methods.
The second question is why there was a decline in the attendance to the concert. Attendance gets extensive effect from the management. There must be a body within the management in charge of mobilizing people to attend concerts. The data in this case shows that there is exclusive influence by the management on the number of people who attended the concert.
The third question was on the effectiveness of the subscription method. The data shows the progress of subscriptions among the people who would attend the concert. This is a bit critical and defines how the management was influence excellence in subscription to the events. The data shows the ineffectiveness of the strategies in defining excellence. What decisions did you make?
Like any other research, there were exclusive decisions to make. The first decision is on the topic of research. This is very critical as interprets what the entire research holds. It dictates the perspective that individuals will have on the specific issues and define how different activities will take place. In this case, the choice of the most outstanding topic becomes critical, and it has to remain relevant to the research.
The second decision was the research method to use. It is wise to recognize that research method forms the most critical part of the research. The entire process of research revolves around the question.
Depending on the research method that was chosen, it was extremely easy to select the most outstanding tools of research. They are critical in defining the results of the research. Through the tools, the variables of the research are dictated, hence exclusive findings. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this market research project?
The first strength of the research project is the use of reliable data. Proper findings of the research mainly depend on the data in the application. This research considers exclusively significant data that is essentially useful in defining its excellence.
In addition, the research chooses a set of variables that are highly influential on the decisions that take effect during the research. Variables form the core part of a research as it dictates how various elements of research form. Variables dictate the direction of research and form core elements that try to answer the research question.
However, there is a weakness in the research based on the people chosen as the core in defining the challenges of the marketing department. The three executives may not be the overall cause of the differences that are witnessed on the organization’s marketing department. What trade-offs have been made?
The research has a tradeoff between the amount of data borrowed in the research and the amount of description in the research. There is more data presentation than its analysis in the research project. In normality, there should be exclusive flow of the research analysis with the data presentation in the research.
In addition, there is a tradeoff in the form of the questionnaire. The researchers come up with research that is embedded only to the brilliant while the less educated cannot handle the questionnaire. This may be viewed as academic tradeoff. A questionnaire should be well prepared to incorporate any person who would wish to answer the questions. This is because not all people willing to answer the questionnaire are educated to handle the technicality in the research. Explain any sampling bias? The sample used in this research was not biased. A sample should be a proper proportion of the population in use. This means that there must be a reasonable representation of the population through the sample. In this case, the population had 2400 people in attendance. From that population, 614 people were chosen to answer the questionnaire. This is an excellent representation of almost a quarter of the population. The sample is useful in defining success of the research.
What issues would you address in future surveys and studies?
The first issue to consider in future surveys is a proper allocation of time. The flow of activities mainly relies on time and it is important to note the relationship of a survey event with the time. It is a critical element of attaching value to an activity. Therefore, ignoring it would be extensively expensive to the findings of the research
Also, the survey would include nonsubscribers in equal number with the subscribers. The aim of the research is to find why the marketing strategies are not exclusively influential to the status of the organization. Subscribers and nonsubscribers would be exclusively fundamental in giving room for exclusive research on the most outstanding ways to carry out the marketing processes.