Campers as potential customers consist of the sick who are tired of being labeled as ‘sick’. Mostly, they consist of kids with serious illnesses, who are exposed to care and special treatment so that they can feel as ordinary kids. Apart from the kids, campers also include teens and families. The participation in the camp is free of charge and open to the willing. Campers enjoy a variety of services including art-making, horseback riding, arrow-shooting, canoe-paddling, amongst others (Roundup River Ranch). More than 1000 campers take part in visiting the Ranch annually to feel the experience.
Donors are also potential current and future customers of the organization. They include the Campfire Societies of Roundup River Ranch, who are comprised of special donor groups. The donors are fully committed to supporting and strengthening the organization. The donors of the organization include Founder’s Circle, Silver Spur Society, Wild West Society, Golden Horseshoe Society, Blazing Saddle Society, Ten Gallon Hat Society, and Wagon Wheel Society (Roundup River Ranch). The members of these societies are always welcomed to donate funds or other products that will support the organization. Any individual who is willing to donate becomes a customer the non-profit organization because the support cannot be underestimated.
What do customers do with the firm's products?
The campers who are Roundup River Ranch customers give more than just delight in the faces of children fighting dangerous diseases. They bring a group that provides improved and higher self-esteem, a greater sense of liberation and stirred interest in social activities among the ill kids. Consequently, the campers, contrary to the regular customers, boost the children with more leadership skills and peer relationships. The camping experience among the kids revolutionizes their life when faced with dilemmas.The donors of the Roundup River Ranch give the children suffering from dangerous diseases a stress-free, tickling and mingling time. The donors facilitate would class medical care coupled with love and financial backup (Roundup River Ranch). Contrary to other types of customers, donors fund pure joy to the ill children. The financial support from the donors gives the sick children a reason to live again.
Where do customers purchase the firm's products?
Instead of Roundup Ranch using traditional modes of sending money via postal office, it focuses on receiving money from donors via online payment systems. The donors consume the products of the Roundup Ranch by filling online forms of it’s ‘website to pledge their financial support for the helping the ill children. The e-commerce marketing has enabled the customer to pledge their financial support to help the sick children even from remote areas. The financial support includes offering donations to help the children smile, have fun, and change the sick child's life (Roundup River Ranch). The finance also helps sponsor the campers to continue giving more leadership skills to the children. Alternatively the donor can bring more financial support to the family camps to give the children memorable days that give more confidence in themselves.
The campers consume the products of Roundup Ranch by filling the online form on the website. The campers can fill the online forms to pledge their interest in changing the ill children perspective of their current health status. The secure and non-complex information to be filled in these forms have enabled the campers to give unique leadership competence and socializing expertise to the ill children. The leadership and peer socializing power have continued to be offered three categories namely summer, family and teen camps.
When do customers purchase the firm's products?
Campers consume the firm’s products and services mostly in during the summer. Kids with physical ailments are welcomed to take part in the services offered so that they can develop a feeling that they are like the other kids. Also, teens and families also subscribe to the services during the summer so that they can enjoy the serene environment associated with the camp. The family camp also has a tendency to visit the place during the weekends to share, bond and experience cherished memories (Roundup River Ranch).
On the other hand, the consuming behavior of the donors is not determined by seasonality as observed by other potential customers, the volunteers, and the campers. The presence of two main seasons in the organization does not mean that donors are restrained from contributing what they are willing to the firm. Therefore, donors consume the products throughout the year but this mostly occurs in between the two main seasons. The willingness and the passion of the donors determine the appropriate time to consume the products.
Why (and how) do customers select the firm's products?Compared to the typical customers who are interested in the quality and uniqueness of a product, the donors here are driven by the passion for helping the children realize their desired dreams. The zeal and determination among donors have improved the medical care and social life of the ill children who had lost hope in their lives. Roundup Ranch has applied the technique of gratitude and empathy to provoke the emotions of donors to help the donors pledge their support to help the kids (Roundup River Ranch). By consuming the products, it stresses that the donors will facilitate the medical care and backup to the kids. The donors select the products according to their abilities and level of their financial freedom.
Of the three customers, the campers are driven by passion and urge to help the children endure painful periods by boosting them with peer socializing and leadership competence. The zeal and determination among the campers have improved the children perspective towards life. Roundup Ranch has applied the techniques of gratitude the technique of empathy to persuade the campers to find free time to help children. The campers choose a product according to the flexibility of their daily lives.
Why do potential customers not purchase the firm's products?
A number of factors act as a hindrance to the potential customers of the organization. For instance, campers may fail to consume the firms’ products due to lack of awareness and understanding of the existence or procedures of the organization (Roundup River Ranch). Moreover, the sick children cannot consume the products if their parents and siblings are unwilling to enroll them to participate in the program. Also, Roundup River Ranch has failed to implement effective advertisement strategies to popularize their products to the target market. The products neither are nor offered throughout the year, and this locks out potential customers to enjoy the services.
Donors may also fail to purchase the products at Roundup River Ranch for a number of reasons. First, not all members of the Campfire societies are ready to support the firm. Their unwillingness means that they will not purchase the firm’s products at all costs. In addition, the harsh economic times may prove difficult for the customers to donate money and other necessary products. Nonetheless, the donors may fear that the site is not eligible, and the products offered are associated with unaccountability. Fear and anxiety will scare them from purchasing the firm’s products.
Work cited
Roundup River Ranch. "Roundup River Ranch: Why Volunteer?" Roundup River Ranch: Welcome to Roundup River Ranch. N.p., 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. <>.
Roundup River Ranch. "Roundup River Ranch: Who We Are." Roundup River Ranch: Welcome to Roundup River Ranch. N.p., 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. <>.