The film is a one-woman show performed by the American actress Whoopi Goldberg, who is a well-known comedian in the American history. The performer tried to seek the attention of people towards a scenario in which a lady realized while living in the popular culture. The film was presented to forward a message that it is difficult for a new person to survive in the popular culture due to the difference in norms, heritage, and values (Goldberg). All the actions and styles can be seen in this play due to the involvement of entertaining characters in this film. The film is not too long, but the performer has tried to retain the attention of viewers by performing non-stop tasks. Although Whoopi Goldberg is a comedian actor, the main aim of the performer was to present the reality that had created difficulties for outsiders in the popular culture. However, the overall performance was presented in a funny manner that everyone forgot the main theme of the performance (Goldberg).
The characters were amazing in attracting viewers, and the get-up of the lady was selected to present a new idea or concept of strength and power in the lady. The multiple roles performed by a single lady are exhibit of a major talent that cannot be seen in any other comedian in American history. The list of characters and their appearance while working on one and shifting to another is a difficult task. If a person sees the entire performance without any interruption, he will not get bored as the shifting of characters is the specialization of Whoopi (Goldberg).
Works Cited
Whoopi Goldberg - Direct From Broadway 1985. Dir. Thomas Schlamme. Perf. Whoppi Goldberg. 2013. Film.