Animals form a very important aspect of human life. They affect everyone’s life even for those who don’t like them. Their relevance ranges from friendship to beings sources of food. Everyday animals are subjected to animosity and cruelty (Sonny). However they are underfed, beaten and neglected and left to make it on their own. Most people don’t understand that animals require our care because they cannot make it on their own. Animals are usually left hopeless when we fail to give them the compassion and care which we are obliged to give them. While some have been lucky to rescued, a big number of them still remains unattended to. For us to grow as country we must advocate for the alienated rights of these animals and give them a chance to experience the sweetness of living with human beings (Sonny). We must all fight for the animal’s rights just as we fight for human rights because they also deserve a chance to live.
One of the crucial roles that animals play is offering companionship. They offer impact our lives on a daily basis as a result of close contact. It is very heartwarming when a dog greets you at your door. That is the comfort pets offer us. Animals are also used for rehabilitation related cases. Certified dogs are usually allowed to visit patients who are in nursing homes (Jenny). Wild animals have been source of revenue for many countries in the world. Economies of some countries are solely dependent on wild animals for revenues that result from tourism.
For a very long time animals have been used for working. Horses and also oxen have been used in farming while camels and donkeys have been used and continue to be used as means of transport and also carrying of luggage. Animals have also acted as source of livelihood for many people by selling their products. Animals that are raised in farms also act as a source of food. Their products such as eggs, milk, meat and other products have been a constant source of food which have very rich nutritional content (Jenny). One way of offering protection to animals against cruelty is by formulating strict laws that have a clear definition of what animal cruelty is. There are two types of animal cruelty i.e. there is the passive cruelty and the active cruelty (Jenny). Passive cruelty is usually attributed to the owner’s negligence on the welfare of the animals while active cruelty entails inflicting pain on an animal just for purposes of felling in charge over the animal.
We should therefore have a good legal frame work that protects the animals which should have stiff penalties for those who violate animal rights. The law should also provide lengthy prison sentences for violators of animals’ rights (Jenny). There is also a need to have a strong police unit that will help in implementation of these laws. Apart from having a good legal framework the public should also be educated on the importance of protecting animals and also the on the issue of animal cruelty. There are several things that the public can do as regards to animal protection. The first thing involves taking the initiative to protect one’s own animals. We all need to join hands and protect the animals because they from a crucial part for our existence.
Work cited
Jenny Leigh. Animal Cruelty Must Stop. 2008. Retrieved
Sonny S. Punay.Importance of animals in human lives. April 4th, 2011. Retrieved from