The human beings are considered as the most intelligent creature in this universe. It is hard to measure the capability and brilliance of the human mind (Voronin et al. 1139-1146). The optimistic factor in human intelligence and brilliance is increasing with the passage of time, and this eventually results in different kinds of innovations around the world. Philosophers and scientists around the globe are making different kinds of claims regarding the development of human intelligence and their claims revolve around different kinds of theories. Due to the complexity in the theories, it is always difficult to believe in one definition. To adopt the right approach towards the knowledge, the modern version of Plato should be kept in mind: “Knowledge is justified as true belief” (Ichikawa and Steup). This means that our beliefs should be counted as knowledge when they are true according to the objective facts. The objective facts are developed, only if the knowledge is applicable in this world and reality is taken as a standard against the belief. It is imperative to understand the human desire towards knowledge. This essay delineates the importance of applicable knowledge by taking into account personal and shared knowledge.
While discussing the application of knowledge, it is imperative to become a pragmatist. This shows that belief towards gaining the knowledge must have some strong basis as well as practical application in this world (Shook). Knowledge without any kind of practical application falls under the category of analytical prepositions (Aulin-Ahmavaara 195-220). The title of the topic necessitates appropriate analysis, and this could be linked with most areas of knowledge and expressive ways that further facilitates in understanding the different perspectives of the topic. The second reason evokes different kinds of reactions and emotions from the analyst. The third reason makes the question more appealing because the opinions are persistently changing based on the philosophical theories. These reasons are strong enough to drag us towards the true meaning of knowledge, and we are moving in a parallel direction with the Rene Descartes and continuing our search for the universal knowledge.
The title demands that the discussion should be further carried out by some main points including application and extraction of personal knowledge. This is because it influences the factors which revolve around the creation of shared knowledge. Michael Polanyi’s explains that “Personal knowledge is an intellectual commitment, and as such inherently hazardous . . . into every act of knowing, there enters a passionate contribution of the person knowing what is being known, and this coefficient is no mere imperfection but a vital component of the knowledge" (Ainley).This scenario nurtures some further questions such as; to what limit shared knowledge is more beneficial to the world than personal knowledge? How the value of the knowledge can be defined? Proper reasoning should be developed to answer these questions, and it should also be determined that, is it reasonable to say that if the knowledge is not shared, it is not applicable in the world? Let’s get the answers of these questions by considering examples of two areas of knowledge, History and Arts.
The area of knowledge related to the history can be explained as a way of knowing memory, emotion, and reasoning (Antlová et al. 210-216). This area of knowledge develops different kinds of arguments, and the first argument implies that if the personal knowledge is not shared or applied, it has no value. If we analyze the history, we will find that lack of productive information and knowledge is responsible for the different kinds of erroneous decisions which even changed the shape of the world. The lack of knowledge has resulted in different kinds of manipulations, which forced many great leaders around the world to take certain decisions against the humanity (Bordewich). Different kinds of manipulations and secrets have resulted in a situation which has promoted anarchy in the mindset of people around the world. The attitude of secrecy shows that the application of the personal knowledge has been avoided deliberately to control the situation. The value of personal knowledge and the possibilities associated with it, such as hiding or revealing it to the general public could have changed the possible outcomes of the history. For instance, the President Nixon of USA is considered as a great liar in the history. President and his administration were responsible for the Watergate Scandal, and they had to resign from their respected designations on investigations (Scandal). In this case, the President had not shared its personal knowledge with the world and denied his involvement. Subsequently, this had led to one of the greatest constitutional crises in the USA. Moreover, even before the World War-11, the CIA does had confirmed intelligence reports about the misuse of power in the German territory concerned to human rights violations, but they didn't share this information with the world. By keeping this information as personal, people around the world had to suffer from violence and destruction. Hence, Polanyi’s claim about personal knowledge as intellectual commitment can be declared wrong because intellectualism in the personal knowledge gets diminished.
The second argument is linked to the shared knowledge and beneficial because it is directly applied in the world. The area of history has compatibility and relevance regarding shared knowledge. The history demands shared knowledge because it creates a great impact on the overall society. This can be explained by presenting an example regarding information about the nuclear attack of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This information is being made public that has resulted in an impact on the general public and even the governments (Hall). The pictures and stories related to this nuclear attack were shared, and this has helped in preventing this kind of attacks. Moreover, the President Kennedy in the Cuban crises has developed a strategy, which eliminated the option of nuclear attack. Moreover, if one takes a look at the White House initiatives towards the energy crises, he will find that it is a perfect example of shared knowledge. These examples proved that the shared knowledge is more beneficial because it constructs practical impact on the society.
The area of knowledge related to the Arts can be explained as knowing emotions, memory, and imagination. This area of knowledge also develops different kinds of arguments such as if the personal knowledge is not applied or shared in this world, it lost its value. The work of art is the result of different kinds of shared knowledge (Herrington). The art is being created to share it with the world, and the personal knowledge plays an important role in this area because it is unavoidable. The personal knowledge possessed by the individuals helps in the interpretation of the work developed by different artists. Without the personal knowledge, the work of art can be diminished, and this is the reason that it is not important to share and apply a certain kind of knowledge to give it a value. The viewpoint mentioned by the philosopher, Alasdair MacIntyre in its paper “Fact, Exploration and Expertise” declares the interpretation as taught skill and can be presented as a good example (Hauerw).
The second argument belongs to the shared knowledge and beneficial because it is directly applied to the world (Fantl). If we analyze the visual arts, one can find that the projects are not often shared with rest of the world. The main purpose of this kind of art is to sell or use it for the exhibition (O’Nolan). The principal purpose of the art is to share it with the world, so the personal knowledge is being utilized to develop it before sharing with the world. The art is developed to share with the world, and this is essential because it creates pleasure as well as inspiration. The musicians also used to develop their art and share it with the world and without sharing, their music cannot get any recognition. Different artists learn various techniques by sharing their experiences. The Lucio Fontana is the first artist who developed an innovation in the canvas (Howarth) and shared it with the world. This is the reason that Lucio has created much influence in the field of art. Subsequently, many artists around the globe are getting help from this valuable work. Another example is the work of Masaccio, who has introduced a technique known as a continuous narrative. He shared this technique with the world and artists around the world have learned a new technique. These examples help us to understand the benefits associated with sharing of knowledge and the great philosophers like Aristotle always believed in sharing knowledge.
In conclusion, the analysis of the knowledge reveals that the value of knowledge directly depends on its application in this world and its application depends on sharing. If the knowledge is being kept personal, then it has no value, even if its application exists in the world. Although it may sound like a pragmatic opinion but it is better to be practical rather than adopting an idealistic approach. The application and extraction of personal knowledge influence the shared knowledge and its importance further increases because the shared knowledge is applicable in this world. This is imperative to consider that the knowledge has no parameters, and it should be gained without any barrier related to its applications. On another hand, when the question arises related to the value associated with the knowledge, then it is compulsory to evaluate the value based on the applications. Aristotle said, “The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching” and it is enough to understand the benefit of applicable knowledge.
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