I would like to conduct a study related to the issue of work place diversity. Since this is a broad area, I will concentrate on work place diversity by studying two groups: Gen X-Y and Baby Boomers. Gen X-Y includes people born from 1965-2000; while Baby Boomers are those born from 1945-1964. I will analyze the impacts of these two groups on the effectiveness of a company. Job satisfaction and work life balance will be the elements used to highlight the differences and similarities between the two groups being studied.
Work place diversity is one of the key issues that we as managers are going to face once we get employed. According to what we have learnt in our course, the issue of a more diverse work force is not something that can be wished away. It is therefore important for me as a future manager to equip myself with knowledge on elements which create differences between various people groups in the human resource of a company. As a member of Gen X-Y, I also have a personal interest in the issue to learn how I can effectively manage employees older than me by gaining their respect and attending to their issues fully aware that what they may be looking for in their jobs is totally different from what someone else from my age group would be looking to achieve.
1. To identify factors that lead to job satisfaction in Gen X and Y.
2. To identify factors fostering job satisfaction in Baby Boomers.
3. To establish which group has a higher work-life balance between Gen X-Y and Baby Boomers.
4. To identify strategies that can be used to effectively manage Gen X-Y and Baby Boomers despite their different work expectations.
Learning strategies and resources that I will use to accomplish the learning objectives: I will consult with human resource managers in various organizations to gain expert knowledge on the topic. I will also use journals, books and web articles to add to my knowledge on the same. Dates the study period will begin and end: The study period will begin on [insert date] and end on [insert date]. Evidence that I have completed the study: I will submit a [insert] to [insert] page paper to show that I have successfully completed my study.
Dessler, G. (2010). Human Resource Management. New York: Prentice Hall Dunne, H. (2007). Putting balance into business: Work/life balance as a business strategy for avoiding brain drain. Strategic HR Review, 6(6), 28 – 31
Jackson, J. & Mathis, R. (2010). Human Resource Management. Cincinnati: South Western College Pub.
Kapoor, C. & Solomon, N. (2011). Understanding and managing generational differences in the workplace. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 3(4), 308 – 318
Mondy, R.W. (2011). Human Resource Management. New York: Prentice Hall Wong, M., Gardiner, E., Lang, W. & Coulon, L. (2008). Generational differences in personality and motivation: Do they exist and what are the implications for the workplace? Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(8), 878 – 890