World War II
World War II, also referred to as the Second World War was a conflict that involved almost all the regions of the world. It lasted between 1939 and 1945, a period when most people in the World suffered the brutalities of war. The superior nations, in terms of military and economic power, got people from other nations and used them in strengthening their forces against Germany. Adolf Hitler, the then chancellor of Germany had taken some military measures to take back the land that had been taking away by other nations: Poland and Austria the war led to the death of tens of thousands of people as well as the massive destruction of resources around the globe. Thesis: One man’s decision and actions led to the suffering and the eventual death of millions of people all over the World.
Adolf Hitler’s quest to take back the land that he thought rightfully belonged to Germany provoked a series of events that led to the sparkling of the Second World War. A photograph provided by the national Archives and Records administration gives a vivid picture of the huge support that the Germany military awarded Adolf Hitler.
This photograph, taken in 1940 can be seen at As it is depicted in the photograph, Hitler had acquired a strong force that would enable him to claim the lad that he thought rightfully belonged to Germany. The second source that I chose for this forum is a letter that Joseph Starlin wrote to Adolf Hitler on 14 August 1949 that sought for peaceful negotiations of Hitler’s concerns. However, Hitler did not act as expected but went on to war with Poland. This letter is available at
The invasion of the Germany militants in Poland made other nations to join in the war, initially to defend Poland from the brutalities of the Germany military forces. Photographers were able to capture some of the proceeding that occurred in Berlin and London towards the end of 1939. This is available at This source shows some of the events that occurred at the beginning of the war such as the evacuation of children from London. It also shows how Hitler keenly followed the war to enable him to make decisive moves in an attempt to win the battle. The second source involves a eyewitness account provided by one of the participants of the war. He reports on the progression of the war as well as the challenges he faced. This is available at
The events of the Second World War not only lead to the suffering and lose of lives but also the massive destruction of resources. The first source that I choose for this topic is an interview of Joseph Hallock who at the age of twenty-two served as a bombardier. This interview was carried out by carried out by New York Magazine on 12 August 1944. He gives an account of how he experienced the death of his fellow fighters and innocent people. It also includes some photographs of an aircraft attack. You can access this information from My second source features weapons for mass destruction that came into place towards the end of the war. General Groves who was the head of the Manhattan militants gives an account of the events he witnessed on the morning of 16 July 1945. General Farell also gives his eyewitness account of the blast that took place on the same day. You can access this at
The sources give first hand information about some of the key aspects of the World War II. These include the cause of the War, the brutality of the events as well as the effects of the war. Hitler’s decision and activities played a pivotal in the propagation of the war that led to the suffering of people as well as millions of deaths. Letters acted as the main means of communication during that period for documentation evident in the Joseph’s letter to Hitler. There was also massive destruction of resources around the globe.