There are both molecular and physiological events that support the statement that the concentration level of FENO is a measure of the degree of asthma in an individual. In the molecular sense, the measure of FENO level in exhaled air is a measure of the intensity of Asthma, and depending on the molecular cut points stated it could be concluded that certain Asthma is reasonable or outrageous. According to Ricciardolo, et al., (2010), there is an evidential fact relating the concentration of FENO to the asthma level in children. Thus, the use of the specific measure of the molecular contents of FENO released during exhalation is necessary as it revokes the overlap in the determination of normal or elevated levels of asthma. A simple molecular test is done to determine the degree of concentration of FENO in the exhaled air in ppb. The most basic level of this category begins with molecular levels <25 ppb, 25-50 ppb, and >50 ppb (Dweli, Boggs, et al., 2011). Advanced levels of asthma are associated with higher concentrations in the ppb molecular scale. In this regards, a high molecular level of FENO is linked to serious cases of asthma and vice versa where the FENO molecular concentration is low. Thus, the molecular event that supports the statement above relates to the amount of FENO released during the exhalation of air.
On the other hand, the level of FENO concentration in an individual has associated physiological events that lead to the manifestation rates of asthma. Meyer, et al., (2014), the level asthma is dependent upon the quality of breath. Thus, the passage of air through the bronchus and the final exhalation of air determine the concentration of level of FENO and the maturity of asthma. On a more physiological scenario, the wheezing of the bronchus is an indication of the asthma prevalence level, and ultimately the concentration level of FENO in the exhaled level (Amer, Cowan, Gray, Brockway, & Dummer, 2016). Integration of diagnostic to simple observation lead to the deduction of the wellness of a person against asthma, and this will tell FENO in the breath. Asthma control tests also lead to a deduction of wellness of an individual against asthma. For example, when an asthma patient is subjected to treatment, it is expected that the level of asthma would reduce, and thus lower levels of FENO in the exhaled air (Mirowsky, & Gordon, 2015).
Amer, M., Cowan, J., Gray, A., Brockway, B., & Dummer, J. (2016). Effect of Inhaled β2-Agonist on Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Plos ONE, 11(6), 1-9. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157019
Dweli, A,R. Boggs, B.P, etl. (2011). American Thoracic Society Committee on Interpretation of Exhaled Nitric Oxide Level for Clinical Application. American Thoracic Society Journal, Vol 182,pp 602-615
Meyer, N., Dallinga, J. W., Nuss, S. J., Moonen, E. C., van Berkel, J. N., Akdis, C., & Menz, G. (2014). Defining adult asthma endotypes by clinical features and patterns of volatile organic compounds in exhaled air. Respiratory Research, 15(11), 1-9. doi:10.1186/s12931-014-0136-8
Mirowsky, J., & Gordon, T. (2015). Noninvasive effects measurements for air pollution human studies: methods, analysis, and implications. Journal Of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 25(4), 354-380. doi:10.1038/jes.2014.93
Ricciardolo, F. M., Silvestri, M., Pistorio, A., Strozzi, M. M., Tosca, M. A., Bellodi, S. C., & Rossi, G. A. (2010). Determinants of Exhaled Nitric Oxide Levels (FeNO) in Childhood Atopic Asthma: Evidence for Neonatal Respiratory Distress as a Factor Associated With Low FeNO Levels. Journal Of Asthma, 47(7), 810-816. doi:10.3109/02770903.2010.489245