Newspaper Article 1: Employee Retention- How to Retain Employees
The purpose of the paper Employee Retention- How to Retain Employees is to highlight several tactics that a human resource manager can employ to retain the employees in their organization. As such, the organizations that utilize the outline tactics benefit from the associated high turnover costs as well as productivity. The paper aims at ensuring employers create a strong workforce by retaining the employees.
The paper highlights twelve tactics that any employer aiming to retain their employees can utilize. For instance, the paper talks about offering highly competitive benefits packages that relate to the needs of the employees. The benefits packages could include providing retirement-savings plans and health and life insurances (“Employee Retention,” n.d.). The paper also recommends the provision of small perks such as dry-cleaning services to help the employees manage their lives better. Additionally, having incentives for the employees is suggested as a way to keep the employees motivated (“Employee Retention,” n.d.). It could also be important to have the HR departments interview the long-tenured employees on why they stay in the same way that exit interviews are conducted. Promoting the employees at the right time is also a key strategy to retain employees. It is also important to foster the development of employees, involving managers, communicating the mission of the business, as well as creating open communication lines between the managers and employees (“Employee Retention,” n.d.). Finally, it is important to understand the expectations of the employees and hiring professionals to head the human resource department.
Personal Reflection
In my opinion, the paper has exhaustively highlighted, in the most important ways, how to retain employees in any organization. The tactics presented in the paper are not only logical but also relatable. The tactics are also wide-ranged providing human resource managers with the opportunities to choose different combinations to ensure that their organizations retain employees for longer. Moreover, the tactics can be used by organizations whether small or large. A human resource manager can, therefore, choose to select the most relevant of the tactics and communicate them to the employees and make them aware that the organization is interested in retaining them at whatever cost.
Newspaper Article 2: Protecting Employees’ Data Health
The purpose of the paper is to highlight the importance of protecting the health data collected by businesses contracting individuals. The federal policy law has not clearly outlined how such information can be used. However, it is undoubtedly important that such information is protected. For instance, an employer should not use the information from the health records provided during the signing of the contract to manipulate and discriminate against the employees.
The paper illustrates a scenario where the information of individuals are exposed outside the protection of the federal policy laws as they seek to get advice to maximize the benefits from health care providers. The individuals allow for their health information, such as their intake of birth control pills, to be at the predisposal of companies such as Castlight who in turn tailor the health insurance plans that benefit the employees. The analysis of such private information by Castlight enables employers to reduce the costs they incur as they insure the employees (The Editorial Board, 2016). Moreover, they can schedule their labor force by predicting the female employees that will be on maternity leaves soon depending on the analysis of the aggregate data. It is the responsibility of the organization to ensure that the collected data is not used by employers to discriminate against the employees due to health risking habits such as smoking.
There are also groups that have come up calling that the federal government passes legislation that bars the employers from hiring and firing their employees based on the information obtained from the submitted health records (The Editorial Board, 2016). They also want the legislation to give the employees the right to call for the deletion of any submitted information at their will.
Personal Reflection
In my opinion, I feel that Americans will continue being predisposed to situations where they need to submit their health records due to the continuous evolution of data analysis. As such, there is a need to have well laid federal protections that ensure the conclusions made by the data analysis companies do not cost them their jobs. While analyzing such data is beneficial to the economy of the country as a whole, the main contributors to the economy should not be put at a risk of discrimination due to the information they submit.
In conclusion, all the stakeholders that are involved in the well-being of employees should continually seek to see that as data analysis evolves, more federal protection is put in place to ensure that the employees do not run out of their rights. Otherwise, when employees are limited in their productivity due to their health conditions, the economy will be affected due to the demotivation of the main contributors of the economic stability.
Employee Retention- How to Retain Employees. (n.d.). Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from
The Editorial Board. (2016, March 27). Protecting Employees’ Data Health. The New York Times. Retrieved from