The human brain is the central organ for the functioning of the human body. One of the main functions of the brain is memory storage, which is the process of retaining information in the brain. There are certain circumstances, however, where one tends to forget or fail to remember things. Given these facts, one questions arise. How can one improve his/her brain power? One way, is through the use of mnemonic devices. Mnemonic devices or simply mnemonics, is a technique which is said to be helpful in memory improvement. Mnemonics uses different methods in order to help the brain remember important details, but there are two most widely used technique in mnemonics ("Memory Storage."). The first, is the use of Abbreviations, or a combination of letters formed into a more recognizable pattern for easier remembering. The most common example of the application of abbreviation, is one the colors of the rainbow, which can be seen below:
Source: Abbreviation for the Colors of the Rainbow
These letters serves as a hint for one to remember which word the letter pertains to.
Do you want to know more about Abbreviations? Click this link:
Next, is the opposite of abbreviation, which is called Acrostics. This technique employs forming a sentence, wherein the first letters of the words in the sentence signify the arrangements of letters. Mnemonics are often applied by students during exams. Students consider it very effective in memorizing and enumerating sub-contents of a topic. Remembering the first letters of the words and arranging them in a more familiar order helps the students remember and enumerate each concept because of the patterns that were created. An application of acrostics in the seven kingdoms is shown below:
Source: Mnemonics for Memorization
Many studies have already been made which analyzed and proved the efficacy of the use of mnemonics as a technique in improving one’s memory. Mnemonic devices have already been proven to assist in the learning process The use of mnemonics is very subjective because the methods that we apply, are highly dependent on the meanings that we attach to words. Also, mnemonics are said to very task specific. This means that the effectiveness of the use mnemonics depends on the type of mnemonics one employed for a certain task (Herrmann n.p.). People tend to use mnemonics as an aid for learning because it is often associated to make learning enjoyable and fun (Higbee n.p.). Making learning enjoyable, especially for children, is one of the ways to improve their memory and help them remember important things. Using mnemonics helps children associate things with other objects or things that are more familiar to them, or are easier to be remembered ("Mnemonics- Memory Techniques.").
Keeping a memory or remembering something is still a very broad topic to learn. Many studies regarding the use mnemonics have been and are still being made nowadays. Nonetheless, many of the current studies available suggests, that though it is very task specific and subjective, the use of mnemonics can definitely help an individual improve his/her memory. This is because whenever an individual engages in the discourse of communication, the brain captures every single word, attaches a meaning to it, then continues to develop a web of meanings. What makes the use of mnemonics effective is because it applies methods that are simple and engaging. It makes learning and remembering a lot easier and engaging.
Works Cited
Abbreviation for the Colors of the Rainbow. Digital image. Web. 7 May 2016. < PH&biw=1366&bih=623&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHjpzNicfM AhXDkpQKHVVoCDAQ_AUIBigB#hl=en-PH&tbm=isch&q=mnemonics roygbv&imgrc=42oSOh4CXAayVM:>.
Herrmann, Douglas J. Task Appropriateness of Mnemonic Techniques. 1st ed. Vol. 64. 1987. SAGE Journals. Web. 6 May 2016. < html>.
Higbee, K. L. “More motivational aspects of an imagery mnemonic.” Applied Cognitive Psychology 8.1 (2006): 1-12. Web. 6 May. 2016. <;jsessionid=1F48AB088C0F8EF8E3EB0C20EF2F44DC.f02t03>
"Memory Storage." The Human Memory. Web. 6 May 2016. <http://www.human->.
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