Black (2016) defines philosophy as the study of principles that underlie the conduct, thoughts, and universal nature. Philosophy entails how people find meaning in different aspects of life in the universe. Philosophers develop the philosophies out of curiosity with the intention of explaining or understanding underlying realities about various aspects of life. Philosophies can also be developed by individuals unintentionally as they mature and set definitions and guides for their conducts. Such philosophies are referred to as personal philosophies. A personal philosophy is a blueprint and guide to a person’s values and belief system (Black, 2016). Personal philosophies interact with the professional philosophies, which may sometimes arouse dilemmas in nursing practice. The purpose of this paper is to articulate my personal philosophy, which underpins my day to day nursing practice. This exercise will facilitate better understanding of the principles that underpin my conduct, thoughts and behavior.
Philosophies in Nursing
Nursing philosophies are clear statements about the nursing beliefs and expression of values. These statements are used as the foundation for thinking and acting in nursing practice. According to Black (2016) nursing philosophies revolve around the four nursing theory metaparadigms – nursing, environment, people/client, and health. A personal nursing philosophy is molded by a variety of experiences, both inside and outside nursing practice (Kutin, 2013). Developing an understanding of own personal philosophy helps a nurse to develop or create a balance between the personal philosophy and the professional philosophy, hence averting common dilemmas in practice.
Personal Nursing Philosophy
Purpose: To write a beginning philosophy of nursing that reflects the beliefs and values of - Insert name and date
I chose nursing as my profession because nursing involves helping people who are in need, an aspect that I am passionate about. Caring for others is personally gratifying. I believe that the core of nursing is upholding of the dignity of human beings, even during their lowest moments in life. Sickness and disease can be incapacitating to a patient, and such people require more than physical support to overcome the effects of disease. I believe that such support cannot be offered when there is no value and respect for human dignity.
I believe that the focus of nursing is on alleviating any form of suffering from individuals, families, and communities. I can contribute to this focus by collaborating with patients to identify factors that promote suffering in their lives. My vision as a nurse is to acquire more knowledge and skills in my area of specialty in order to improve the delivery of care services to my patients. I also purpose to grow professionally and to leave a positive impact on patients, colleagues and the nursing profession in general. To live out my philosophy of nursing, every day I must remember this about;
My Patients
Every patient is unique in his/her own ways and this uniqueness must be respected when delivering care services
Disease affects the physical, emotional, spiritual and psychosocial aspects of human life, and interventions should focus on restoring these aspects to normal.
Patients deserve dignity irrespective of their medical conditions. Justice, fairness, and equality must be integrated in care delivery to ensure that the inherent dignity of the patient is maintained at all times.
My Patients Families
Disease also has an impact on the family of patients, and they also deserve as much support as possible from the health care team.
The family plays a big role in the recovery process of the patient, and their role should be respected as long as it doesn’t lead to the deterioration of patient health.
Fellow Health Care Professionals
Each health care professional brings unique skill set and competencies to the profession, and each skill set is essential in delivering high quality care services to the patients
Collaboration with heath care professionals is essential for personal professional growth and development.
My Own Health
The ANA code of ethics provides that nurses owe to themselves the same duties that they owe to their patients. It is therefore my responsibility to take care of my own health so that I am always at my best to take care of my patients.
The personal philosophy of nursing revealed that my appreciation for human dignity irrespective of their medical conditions is evident and related to my conduct and behavior in practice. The medical interventions offered to patients are always in alignment with aspects that promote dignity of the patient. For example, I ensure that patients are not restricted from receiving optimum healthcare services due to their cultural background, religion, sexual orientation, and/or socioeconomic status. My personal nursing philosophy has also contributed to development of better interaction skills with colleagues. Positive relationships between care professionals enhance the efficiency and effectiveness with which care is delivered to the patients.
The importance of personal nursing philosophies cannot be underestimated. Personal nursing philosophies not only help the nurses to develop a balance between work and personal goals, but it also promotes the ability of the nurse to interact better with patients, their families, and other health care professionals. The development of my personal nursing philosophy helped me to better understand my beliefs, values and focus in nursing practice.
Black, B. P. (2016). Professional nursing: Concepts and challenges. (8th ed.). Missouri:
Elsevier Publishers
Kutin, J. (2013). Three attributes that make up a nurse’s philosophy. Nurse
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