Assignment Description: To demonstrate competence in public speaking and group facilitation, students will be required to research one substance abuse prevention strategy/activity and present it to the class as the facilitator/teacher. In other words, you will create a lesson plan using the template on the next page and implement the activity with your peers enrolled in the course. The presentation should have an interactive component that enhances learning objectives for the topic. A strategy is different than a program in that a strategy is usually an activity that is part of a larger program.
Lesson Title: Marijuana
Substance Abuse Topic(s): Myths vs. Facts
Rationale for Selected Topic(s): the lesson aims to prevent the increased use of Marijuana by students and the notion created by the use of the drug. The students have developed notions that Marijuana has become a "cool" drug to use. The lesson aims at providing the students with facts about the effects of Marijuana use so that they avoid the abuse of the drug and can be able to counsel those that are addicted on their way to recovery.
Setting: ____School/Community _____ (e.g., school, church, community center, home, etc.)
National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) Prevention Principles Addressed:
- It is a drug that alters the mind and it is most frequently illicit drug prevalent among young people.
The youths need to know that the use of marijuana is risky
National Health Education Standards and/or State Standards Performance Indicator
The reduced number of young people that abuse marijuana
Shape the customs and beliefs that are held about healthy lifestyles
1. To identify the essential (functional) health knowledge about Marijuana
2. To shape their personal beliefs and values that will support healthy behavior away from marijuana
3. To shape their norms and beliefs of a healthy lifestyle about marijuana
4. To understand different attitudes, beliefs and values about marijuana
5. To share with other students and individuals on the value of healthy lifestyle away from marijuana
6. To address social influences and pressures about marijuana
Description of Strategy
For a successful health education curriculum that focuses on marijuana, the emphasis should not be based on increasing the scientific facts on the students’ knowledge but effects. It should focus on vibrant health goals and give related health and behavioral outcomes. The lesson should engage students with their opinions, thoughts, and feelings. It is student-centered and experimental with problem solving and group discussions.
Materials/Resources Needed
-3-4 Poster Boards
-Construction paper
-Ziploc Bags
-Stopwatch or timer
Formative Evaluation/Assessments
These will include reports on visits to education facilities that offer rehabilitation to patients that have been addicted to the drug.
Short essays on the effects of marijuana or a proposed topic
Points of Emphasis
Addressing the individual's attitudes, beliefs and values about marijuana
Addressing social influence and pressures
1. Keep the lesson as taught? Yes______ No_____
2. Strengths of the lesson__________________________________________________________________________________
3. Next time I will be sure to_______________________________________________________________________________
4. Areas for improvement ____________________________________________________________________________________
Dent, C., Sussman, S., Hennesy, M., Galaif, E., Stacy, A., Moss, M., & Craig, S. (1998). Implementation and Process Evaluation of a School-Based Drug Abuse Prevention Program: Project Towards no Drug Abuse. Journal Of Drug Education, 28(4), 361-375.
The comprehensive school health challenge: promoting health through education. (1994). Choice Reviews Online, 31(10), 31-5573-31-5573.
Tobler, N., Lessard, T., Marshall, D., Ochshorn, P., & Roona, M. (1999). The Effectiveness of School-Based Drug Prevention Programs for Marijuana Use. School Psychology International, 20(1), 105-137.
Lesson Plan Score =
Presentation Score =
Overall Assignment Score: _______/10 points