Yoga is an almost multifunctional tool. People and time change, but exercises needed to maintain a health remain the same. The main statement that considers yoga sounds as “a compensatory increase circulation after stretching or compression of the physical areas of the body as well as skin-visceral and motor-visceral reflexes, enabling a direct effect on the function of various organs” and I am going to consider it.
Above- mentioned thesis is explained by such information. Existence is based on the fact that visceral sensory nerves, skin (Zakharyin Ged-zone) and muscle intersect at spinal segments. As a result, the tension of certain muscles and the stimulation of certain parts of the skin affect the internal organs (Shannahoff-Khalsa, Sramek, Kennel, Jamieson, 2004). Hatha yoga is a psychophysiological method by which human blood is enriched with the oxygen. The atoms of oxygen provide current to improve the activity of the brain and spinal centers. Some yogis are able to stop the accumulation of venous blood, lessen or prevent the decay of tissues. Yogis believe that some advanced yogis transmute cells into energy. The mention that Elijah, Jesus, Kabir, and other prophets used such technique to cause their bodies to materialize and dematerialize at will. (The Science of Kriya Yoga, n.d.) Of course, this idea is just a figurative expression because yoga is a way to get to the most important – to understand yourself. Although yoga seems to be a type of fitness, however, it is an ancient holistic system with its philosophy, lifestyle, regular work to improve yourself.
The Science of Kriya Yoga. (N.d.).Excerpts from Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa
Yogananda. Retrieved from
Shannahoff-Khalsa DS, Sramek BB, Kennel MB, Jamieson SW Hemodynamic observations on a yogic breathing technique claimed to help eliminate and prevent heart attacks // J. Altern. Complement. Med. - 2004. - V.10, №5. - P.757-766.