In this study the methodology adopted was an online survey through the use of questionnaires administered online. Questionnaires were provided online where people would participate voluntarily and the questions were accorded some weights which would be helpful in data analysis. This method was believed to be cheap and convenient to administer to the respondents (Creswell, 2003, pg 87). It was also projected that it would be able to capture the attention of many users of this product. It was therefore expected that this online questionnaire would reach a greater number of people. This would be a stepping stone to making conclusive analysis on the product of Yogurt cereal bar. The questionnaires were designed in a way that would create a relationship between the respondent and the Yogurt cereal bar’s product. As a result of this, the response rate was expected to be high.
Even though the response rate was projected to be quite high, the desirable sample for this survey was set at 30 in the initial group of respondents. This would be comprised of different persons of different occupations who consume the product. The study applied random sampling making use of stratified sampling (Denzin, 2005, pg 154). The respondents were subdivided into ten groups representing persons who participated from different sites online. In every site a target of 50 respondents was made thus making that a total of 500 respondents for the whole study. However, a response rate of 50% was evaluated thus making the total number of the sample to be 250 respondents. This number could be easily achieved given the level of awareness created for the survey. This study was mainly aimed at reaching out to young adults and children because they are the major consuming group of yogurt cereal bars.
In the beginning of the survey a pilot study would be conducted on a small group of the given sample. This would be to analyze the respondent’s understanding of this study. It is argued that if the sample has a better comprehension of the survey then the study would be effective in capturing the required information (Engel, 2005, pg 106). Consequently, the pilot study would give room for any improvements to be undertaken. The questionnaires will be provided online and will be available for all respondents to participate. Participants would also be mailed to receive the questionnaires in their respective emails. This is in the quest to achieve the 50% response rate for this survey.
Data Analysis
Once the data is received it will be checked for consistency and completeness. This will be followed by the process of coding the data and scanning it into the computer using recognition software. The overall analysis of the data will be performed using the tabulation analysis approach. Conversely, the relationships between various variables connected to this product will be analyzed using regression analysis and correlation. In order to realize the survey objectives, we shall incorporate various focus groups and brainstorming (Seale, 2004, pg 143). This will provide the platform to make further surveys and inferences about our product of study.
Yogurt cereal bar intends to spend up to a total of $68,000 for the survey. This will involve financing the various activities that will be performed to achieve the research objectives. The projected costs have included the taxes associated with them. The costs schedule is represented below.
Reference List
Creswell, J. 2003. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications.
Denzin, N., & Lincoln, Y. 2005. The SAGE handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Engel, R., & Schutt, K. 2005. The practice of research in social work. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications.
Seale, C. 2004. Qualitative research practice. London: SAGE.