The culture of the company is extensively significant and it needs to be handled with all due keenness. Zappo Company has been at the forefront in a campaign for excellent culture of the company. The company has developed unique ground upon which its performance is based. The culture of the company has assisted the management in achieving certain goals as they are set. The goals of the company highly depend on the culture set. The employees have been able to achieve their personal goals following their attachment to the culture of the company. In addition, the company succeeds in acquiring employees who fit specifics of the company. On the other hand, the company may lose excellent performance as its culture may fail to agree with a partner or supplier who could have revolutionized the business of Zappo. Also, the culture may make the company easily lose a chance to employ employees with unique abilities on the basis they do not meet the cultural standards of the company (Frei, Robin, and Laura, 2011).
The article “Creating the best work place on earth” is accurate definition of what an outstanding workplace entails. The company should make their premises the most attractive to employees. This is achievable if there is proper system of adding value to employees and makes them better in terms of competence while in the company. The activities of the company should be out to match the competitiveness of the employees. The element means that companies should not engage in activities that are ill fitted with negativity among employees. Companies have to stick to the principles that they dictate to the employees. An outstanding company allows employees to be themselves and allow them sustain the discipline they believe in towards the company (Goffee and Gareth, 2013).
Works Cited
Frei, Francis , Robin Ely, and Laura Winig. " 2009: Clothing, Customer service, and Company Culture ." Harvard Business School 610.015 (2011): 1-27. Print.
Goffee, Rob, and Gareth Jones. "Creating the Best Workplace on Earth." Harvard Business Review. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 June 2014. < workplace-on-earth/ar/1>.